March 30, 2019 from 12-4pm – Penn Environment, Chesco 100% Renewable Energy Expo & Discussion

Join local sustainable energy advocates, consultants and installers at the West Whiteland Township Building about the clean energy options available for your home, school, municipal facility, or business.

We invite you to tour exhibitors anytime between 12-4pm, and join us for a panel about Our Clean Energy Future from 2:30-3:30 to hear how we can keep pushing to make the vision of 100% Renewable Energy a reality.

More details to come, but make sure to save the date!
Registration requested, but not required.  Click HERE
Hosts: PennEnvironment & Chester County Ready for 100

Event Location

West Whiteland Township Building
101 Commerce Drive
Exton, PA 19341

March 7, 2019 3rd Annual TCHS Career & Training Fair Brandywine campus

Technical College High School Brandywine campus would like to invite local businesses and industry to our third annual career and training fair on March 7th 2019.  Click HERE to register.  This event provides employers the opportunity to meet graduating seniors from related industry programs.  With all three campuses attending this year, we will likely have nearly 1000 students in attendance.  Unlike other job fairs, TCHS provides a personal one to one sit-down interview environment.  Interviewers are given interview materials and meals.  Last year we had over 100 local companies interviewing and we hope you can join us.

Technical College High School Brandywine Campus 
443 Boot Road
DowningtownPennsylvania 19335
United States 

(484) 593-5110 x8257

February 6, 2019 – 12:00-2:00pm Business and Education Forum at the CCIU, Downingtown

Register Here for free!

Not enough graduates to fill current or projected positions?

Are your new hires unprepared?

Join us on for a luncheon and discussion with local educators to:

  • Learn how the Future Ready PA Index addresses career awareness beginning in elementary school and how it will help grow the pipeline of future employees
  • Discover current educational trends, including implementation of the Future Ready PA Index
  • Share best practices with fellow employers and school administrators and staff
  • Discuss workforce concerns and needs with educators

Be part of the solution…

This event, hosted in collaboration with the Chester County Intermediate Unit, offers you the opportunity to network with business colleagues and education partners to discuss solutions that address the shortage in the workforce gap and promote career awareness in schools across Chester County.


7th Annual SEI Energy Briefing, February 13th, CCEDC in Exton

View Flyer here>> SEI Energy Briefing Flyer

Register here >>  SEI Energy Briefing


PECO (Gold Sponsor)

PECO Smart Ideas Group (Event Support Sponsor)

February 13th Event Agenda:
8:00am – 8:30am                    Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:30am – 10:30am                  Presentation
10:30am – 11:00am                Networking


  • Christopher Wiederspahn, Vice President, Business Development – Amerex Energy Services
  • Emily Schapira, Executive Director of Philadelphia Energy Authority
  • Ed Fortunato, Managing Director of Fundamental Analysis at Constellation Energy, an Exelon Company

Event Description:
Leaders in the energy field will briefly review fascinating 2018 energy trends, news and events to present an overview of the 2019 energy forecast. This briefing will cover state and national data in the framework of the mid-Atlantic region, including recent energy finance legislation, PA solar energy plan, nuclear energy news, natural gas and alternative fuels. Learn what this means for Southeastern Pennsylvania and how the changes in the energy economy and energy policy may affect businesses.