8:15 -8:30 a.m. Check-in, light breakfast, and networking
8:30 -10:20 a.m. Program followed by Q&A
Continue the discussion until 10:30 a.m. in the Gallery
What’s the impact on your business’ bottom-line?
This year’s Annual Energy briefing is for energy related companies which want to learn more about several topics that will impact their business and their community.
- As the federal government begins to allocate billions of dollars to the states, how will this funding from the Infrastructure Act and the Inflation Reduction Act be distributed into the marketplace? How can your clients and potential clients fund their energy projects with these monies and tax credits?
- The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced $7 billion to launch seven Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs (H2Hubs) across the nation and accelerate the commercial-scale deployment of low-cost, clean hydrogen. Funded by the Infrastructure Law, the seven H2Hubs will kickstart a national network of clean hydrogen producers, consumers, and connective infrastructure while supporting the production, storage, delivery, and end-use of clean hydrogen. MACH2 is a local project and will be discussed at the briefing.
- Alternative energy (Solar, CHP, Fuel Cells, Battery Storage.. ect) may be right for the environment but may not always be the best solution based on a company’s utility contracts. Learn what fees make up your power and gas contracts and why? This part of the briefing will discuss the true impacts of alternative energy products on a facility’s actual energy bills. Regardless of if you have alternative energy in mind right now, you can learn more about your utility bill and be able to make some strategic decisions moving forward.
Keynote presentation by Jessica Shirley, Interim Secretary – PA Department of Environmental Protection, which includes the State Energy Office.
Acting Secretary Shirley will share how the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s funding from the Infrastructure Act and the Inflation Reduction Act be distributed into the marketplace. Learn how your business and your client’s may benefit from these new programs.
David Ferro, CEO – Optics Consulting LLC
This presentation will include a high level review of the PJM grid followed by how local gas and electric utilities bill their clients. We will explore the many utility invoice line items that are often ignored and explain how alternative energy solutions impact these fee structures both positively and negatively. Examples and case studies will be presented showing both favorable and detrimental scenarios based on the type of utility invoicing. The goal of this program is to educate the audience on how alternative energy projects can affect your “bottom line” allowing for improved decision making.
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