April 19-21, 2022 – IGSHPA’s Geothermal Accredited Installer Training – 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

SEI and PA Geo are planning a loop training course that will be held in Exton at CCEDC. Register and learn more https://ghsptraining.eventbrite.com

Carl Robins of WaterFurnace International will instruct the three-day comprehensive Installation Workshops are designed for GSHP installers, contractors, dealers, home builders, manufacturers, distributors, architects, heating cooling mechanical engineers, trenching/water well drilling contractors, and anyone who desires a working knowledge of this innovative technology. Representatives from public utilities, private utilities, and rural electric cooperatives can also benefit from training. Information gathered from the workshops can help utility representatives serve as a source of information regarding money-saving concepts.


January 19, 2022 – On Demand – State of Energy Management

SEI is helping to promote this offering from Smart Energy Decisions REGISTER HERE

For the past 3 years, the State of Energy Management report has focused on noting the trends and perspectives within our industry. Built from the perspectives of over 600 leaders in energy, facility, and sustainability roles, this year’s report found increased focus on creating safer spaces, raising awareness of corporate level sustainability initiatives, and leveraging the right tools to streamline data management.

In this webinar, we’ll be reviewing key findings from the report with an expert panel.

Topics include:

  • Top priorities for energy and sustainability programs
  • Increased focus on corporate driven awareness of sustainability programs
  • Why time and money are still big barriers to implementing an EMIS

Be our sponsor at an upcoming event! Here are the opportunities

Event Sponsorship Opportunities for the 2021-2022 Program Year

Levels and Benefits

The Smart Energy Initiative holds a number of seminars and workshops designed to increase awareness of local and domestic energy issues for both the industry and non-energy industry businesses. Topics cover the full breadth of this diverse industry, and always include solutions employing the region’s energy companies and their highly-trained workforce.  These events attract audiences composed of business owners/leaders, industry advocates, elected officials, community leaders.  Each event has available sponsorships that offer exposure and benefits.  Funds from sponsorships are used to offset the costs of refreshments, facilities, marketing costs, and Smart Energy Initiative staff time used to develop and coordinate events. Benefits and sponsor levels can be customized to suit the sponsors’ needs and the specific event.

 Presenting or Title Sponsorship Level:  $3000

  • Sponsor name will be part of the official event name
  • Most prominent name and logo placement on all printed materials related to the event
  • Most prominent ad in any program guides or agenda hand outs
  • Logo placement on backdrops for presentation materials and/or photo opportunities
  • Logo placement on SEI web site
  • Preferred seating/tables
  • Photo opportunities for any press coverage
  • Introduction at the event of your company and Opportunity to give a brief introduction of your company or services at the beginning of the presentation.
  • Two complimentary tickets to the event.

 Gold Event Sponsorship Level: $1,500

  • Premier placement of your company logo and website on the program announcement, which is sent at least twice to a minimum of 4,000 individuals. The program announcement is also posted on numerous websites, calendars and social media venues.
  • Opportunity to introduce the speaker(s).
  • Your business logo and address will be included in the pre-meeting projection of a slide noting SEI thanks to our sponsors; the slide is shown prior to the presentation.
  • Permission to set up a table to share their business information before and after the presentation.
  • One individual marketing piece to be included in handouts for the event.
  • Two complimentary tickets to the event

Support Event Sponsorship Level: $750

  • A company logo and web link on the announcement flyer listing the sponsor as a Supporting Sponsor of SEI and event.  Again this announcement will be sent at least twice to a minimum of 4,000 individuals and the program announcement is also posted on numerous websites, calendars and social media venues.
  • Your business logo and website will be included in the pre-meeting projection of a slide noting SEI thanks to our sponsors; the slide is shown prior to the presentation.
  • One individual marketing piece to be including in handouts for the event.
  • Two complimentary tickets to the event

2021 – 2022 Sample Events: 

  • February 2022 Annual Energy Briefing Seminar
  • SEI Breakfast Briefings
  • Working Groups meetings on select topics

February 1, 2022 – 10th Annual Energy Briefing – 8:30-10:00 a.m. (in-person w/ virtual option)

REGISTER for in-person OR zoom ticket

The 10th Annual
SEI Energy Briefing
Chester County Economic Development Council
Tuesday, February 1 | 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Leaders in the energy field will review current and future energy trends and provide an insider’s overview of the 2022 energy landscape on both the national and regional fronts. Topics include:

Topics include:

  • $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act programs signed on November 15, being implemented in 2022 including electric vehicle infrastructure
  • What’s in store for electric vehicle charging and battery storage trends
  • C-PACE funding
  • $300M Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) program
  • CO-GEN to achieve greater energy resiliency
  • Benefits of Solar PV
Who should attend:
Those interested in the state of the national, regional, and local energy economy; facilities managers; energy professionals; project and property developers; municipal developers; and those looking to work in the energy industry.
Katie Cullen, Founding Partner – SC Partners LLC
Andy Daga, President & Chief Executive Officer – Momentum Dynamics Corporation


December 1, 2021 – GSHP Systems and Energy Modeling to Minimize Size and Cost of a GHX – 8:30 a.m.

Learn more and REGISTER for the course being held virtually on December 1 at 8:30 a.m. – GSHP Systems  and Energy Modeling to Minimize Size and Cost of a GHX

The Smart Energy Initiative will host a virtual training opportunity for architects, designers, developers & contractors on why they should consider a GSHP system for an upcoming commercial project. Key topics include designing the most effective, and operationally costs saving system. Specifically, this presentation demonstrates the impact of changes to a building and / or mechanical system can have on the size and performance of a GSHP system and how energy modeling can be used to minimize the size and cost of a GHX, while ensuring long-term, efficient operation.

This live Zoom program will provide detailed information on the benefits of planning their projects with Geothermal Heating and Cooling systems as the prime source of atmosphere control in their projects.

Learn more and REGISTER

November 4, 2021 – SEI Working Groups Meeting at CCEDC – 4:30pm

SEI Working Groups meeting at 4:30pm at CCEDC, 737 Constitution Drive, Exton, PA 19341.

Please bring your thoughts about the new energy trends, disruptions, and news to the SEI Working Group 2022 Planning Meeting (such as RGGI and Energy Efficiency, Battery Storage, Utility Scale Community Solar technology and finance, Hydrogen CHP, Geothermal as a community utility, Electric Vehicles, and AI).

Let’s learn from one another and provide content as we plan the 2022 Energy Briefing!

RSVP by emailing scockerham@ccedcpa.com