October 17, 2021 – World Geothermal Energy Day

SEI wants to share the following information provided by the Event Coordinator for the day.

We’d like to include you in upcoming World Geothermal Energy Day events and celebrations on October 17th.

World Geothermal Energy Day

  • Showcasing geothermal success around the globe
  • People engaging together with ideas, education, and excitement.
  • A celebration of geothermal and the people who make it happen.
  • Highlighting the environmentally-friendly benefits of renewable geothermal, worldwide.

About World Geothermal Energy Day
This is the one day when people around the globe celebrate the virtues and benefits of geothermal energy, open their shops for tours (both virtual and physical), discuss new technologies, and work to include geothermal in legislation at the local, regional, national, and international levels.

The Hashtag is #WorldGeothermalEnergyDay

Date: October 17, 2021; and annually thereafter.

Raising Awareness
World Geothermal Energy Day aims to raise awareness of the many positive contributions that geothermal systems make to our society. World Geothermal Energy Day celebrates the people that design, build, operate and support the broad range of technologies from large power systems, heat pump systems, down to tiny micro-thermal.

A Team of Industry Leaders
This event has been established by an organizing committee of industry leaders (see web site www.WorldGeothermalEnergyDay.org) to bring participants closer to exemplary geothermal projects having a good educational and community outreach program.

The Internet Brings Us All Together
Connecting with one another and sharing expertise is critical for everyone working in the geothermal market. World Geothermal Energy Day helps keep these connections alive not only on this one special day but also provides the impetus for enthusiasm all year round. We are building our future together, on local and global scales; different people and places united in a drive for vibrant communities of geothermal advocates. The internet, the world wide web, social media, and the newest video conference technologies bring us together in ways not possible even a few short years ago.

Join Us for World Geothermal Energy Day
We invite you to learn more about this exciting new chapter in Geothermal Energy education and all its connective elements, from a new website to centralized virtual events, to a history-making celebration of people, technology, and innovation. We shall strive to make World Geothermal Energy Day one of our most prized annual events, to include tours of facilities brought to life by geothermal including power facilities, desalinization plants, botanic gardens, edgy restaurants, schools and universities, medical facilities, and more, all opening on October 17, 2021.

Highlighting Innovation
As the industry continues its legacy of innovation, World Geothermal Energy Day will remain an annual touchstone project and a world apart filled with memorable moments and educational experiences. Our organizing website, www.WorldGeothermalEnergyDay.org will remain operational year-round, open, and ready to be explored and enjoyed by teachers, practitioners, and friends of geothermal energy.

Come Join Us
We are honored to launch, enhance and steward appreciation for one of the world’s most important, most environmentally friendly energy sources; earth-based, renewable geothermal and we invite you to learn more about “geothermal reimagined” along the way.

Share the Passion for Geothermal
For geothermal advocates and leaders, World Geothermal Energy Day is an opportunity for both the technical geothermal community and their business development peers to share in their mutual passion while preserving and promoting relationships, traditions, and shared memories. Swing open the doors (both virtually and physically) and have some fun while also educating those who attend.

The website, www.WorldGeothermalEnergyDay.org

The hashtag #WorldGeothermalEnergyDay will be used to tie in activity across different social media platforms.


Jim Scherrer, Events Coordinator
World Geothermal Energy Day
West Chester, Pennsylvania 19382-6735 – USA
Skype Name = JS.Scherrer

Celebrating the Renewable Benefits of Geothermal, Worldwide!
World Geothermal Energy Day is October 17th annually.
Click here to Visit World Geothermal Energy Day.org

August 19, 2021 – Webinar – Small Business Cost Savings and Energy Reduction Calculator Toolkits – 11am-12pm

Our partners at Penn Tap are holding a Webinar on August 19.

There are simple, low to no-cost steps you can take to make your building more energy-efficient, more cost-efficient, and more sustainable for the environment. We have created a free energy toolkit as a starting place and guide to small businesses when estimating potential energy savings for your building.

Our toolkits have been designed to help estimate cost savings, energy reduction, and project payback. This webinar will cover how to best take advantage of our online toolkit.

Learn more and register HERE

September 23, 2021 – Geothermal: The Hidden Wonder & an Update on Act 129 – 4 p.m.

Join us for an in-person event at CCEDC in Exton. Zoom ticket is available.

Learn more and register HERE

Greenhouse Gas Reduction & Carbon Neutrality have become core objectives, for businesses large and small, to address Environmental/Social Responsibility goals. Commercial building comfort and lighting systems account for over 40% of the energy use within the United States. Geothermal Heating / Cooling offers unparalleled levels of efficiency that can significantly impact our nation’s GHG emissions. Recognized for its benefits, the Federal Government has designated this 40 year-old technology as a renewable thermal energy technology and recognizes it as one of the best technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Jack DiEnna, Executive Director & Founder of the Geothermal National & International Initiative (GEO-NII) will present Geothermal heating and cooling and how this renewable energy resource can contribute to significant Scope 1 & 2 GHG reductions and energy savings for building assets.

Mr. DiEnna, the Executive Director & Founder of the Geothermal National & International Initiative (GEO-NII) is a business development and marketing professional with over forty years combined experience in the electric utility industry and the renewable energy industry. He is a nationally recognized authority on all aspects of renewable technology and specifically geothermal heat pumps (GHP), including marketing, creative financing, and the resulting positive economic and environmental impact that can be derived from the use of geothermal heat pump systems and other renewable technologies. His expertise is internationally acknowledged as a valued resource by not only the renewable & geothermal heat pump industry but also by government officials, both national and international, trade allies, and all major market segment associations in the promotion of geothermal heat pump technology.

Agbesi Akpedonu, Strategic Engineering Consultant – CMC Energy Services, Inc. will present Funding Smart Growth through Energy Efficiency and Incentives from PECO See his Bio at https://www.linkedin.com/in/agbesiakpedonu/

September 14, 2021 – Business Networking at AVE in Malvern – 5:00-7:00pm

Like SEI, Hire One is an initiative of the Chester County Economic Development Council in Exton.

Hire One will hold a fully live event with beer, wine and lite fare

Find out more and register HERE

Hire One’s mission includes finding new and innovative ways to connect Employers and Job Seekers.

Here is what to expect:

After a brief introduction, everyone will begin networking! We expect jobs to be available in the following fields: finance, sales, information technology, manufacturing and production, energy, healthcare, and more. Remember – it’s not only the employers in the room, but who they know and can introduce you to, that is important. Beer, wine and lite fare will be served.

Thank you to our sponsor AVE Malvern for hosting this event!

This event is supported by Chester County and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the PA CareerLinks.


Questions? Contact Jim Lauckner, HireOne Senior Project Consultant, jlauckner@ccedcpa.com.


July 28, 2021 – SEF Webinar Series, Energy Planning in Higher Education – 1-2pm

Presented In Partnership with Lehigh University and AKF Group

Wednesday, July 28th   |   1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST

According to the US Department of Energy, Better Buildings, the higher education sector spends over $6 billion on annual energy costs. This webinar will discuss the efforts made by colleges to reduce their energy consumption and increase their efficiency.

Learn more and register here.

September 4, 2021 – World Cogeneration Day 2021

https://worldcogenerationday.org/2021-events. Companies can celebrate or highlight:

o your customers’ resiliency,
o your company’s resiliency,
o your people’s resiliency,
o new innovations in resiliency,
o and the resiliency of your CHP systems.
Of particular interest will be celebrating the resilience of the millennial CHP leaders as they step up to tackle the issues of the day.

Your involvement helped make the inaugural 2020 World Cogeneration Day a great success; “One Day for Cogeneration”. World Cogeneration Day 2020 kicked off an exciting chapter in cogeneration marketing with 100,000’s social media interactions of tweets, sharing, posts, video clips, views, and connections using hashtag #WorldCogenerationDay.
You can see details here: https://linktr.ee/worldcogenerationday
All activity is organized around the website https://worldcogenerationday.org/.

February 23, 2021 – 9th Annual SEI Energy Briefing (Virtual) – 8am-10:30am

Attend this highly anticipated annual event to hear from leaders in the energy field. Presentations will provide a review of current and future energy trends as well as an insider’s overview of the 2021-2022 energy forecast on both the national and regional fronts. Our speakers will present their perspectives on the expectations of strong investments into renewable energy and Green House Gas Reductions. Attendees will learn more about RGGI, CO-GEN to achieve greater energy resiliency, and the benefits of Solar PV.

Who Should Attend: Energy users, large energy purchasers, facilities managers, energy professionals, building owners and developers, municipality managers, sanitation managers.

Learn more and register HERE



PA Geo


December 10, 2020 – Community Solar: How Can Delaware Benefit? 4:00pm – 5:30pm

SEI would like to share a virtual event from our partners at Green Building United.

  • The benefits of community solar and who supports it

  • How Delaware’s current community solar law prohibits its proliferation and what we need to do to change it

  • Which community solar programs in our region are successful and why

Who should attend?

  • Delaware state and local lawmakers

  • Green Building United, Sierra Club, and Energy Services Coalition’s member communities

  • Delaware citizens and grassroots organizations

  • Anyone interested in learning more about successful community solar program models

For information and to register go to https://greenbuildingunited.org/events/community-solar-how-can-delaware-benefit