October 17, 2022 – World Geothermal Day!

About World Geothermal Energy Day – This is the one day when people around the globe celebrate the virtues and benefits of geothermal, open their shops for tours (both virtual and physical), discuss new technologies, and work to include geothermal in legislation at the local, regional, national and international levels.

The Hashtag is #WorldGeothermalEnergyDay

Find out more about Geothermal Day and related events at https://worldgeothermalenergyday.org/2022-events

September 29, 2022 – Clean Energy Workforce Development Grant

The Smart Energy Initiative of Southeastern PA will be engaging local companies.

Read the announcement from the Pennsylvania Government website https://www.media.pa.gov/pages/Labor-and-Industry-details.aspx?newsid=680

Chester Workforce Development Board
This grant is for a program in Chester, Berks and Montgomery counties through the Chester County Economic Development Council’s (CCEDC) Smart Energy Initiative (SEI). The proposed clean energy workforce development program would build on SEI’s core mission and capacities: outreach, education, and recruitment of businesses, workforce development partners and individuals. The project’s commitment to support clean-energy businesses is equally a commitment to individuals with untapped and unidentified talent across Berks, Chester and Montgomery counties.

Learn more at the link below.


For questions or additional information, email jlauckner@ccedcpa.com 

September 27, 2022 – Apply for the PA DEP Agriculture Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Apply for the PA DEP Agriculture Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

The PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)’s Agriculture Energy Efficiency Rebate program can help defray the costs of LED lighting, ventilation equipment, or dairy equipment upgrades for your farm. Applicants must meet the definition of a normal farming operation under Pennsylvania’s Right to Farm Law to be eligible for a rebate.

 Contact your regional PennTAP advisor to start determining eligibility.

Please call Jim Lauckner, SEI Project Consultant 610-321-8231 with questions.

New toolkit emphasizes the resiliency of modern building codes

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released a Resilient Building Codes Toolkit to provide information to practitioners, elected officials, authorities having jurisdiction, the general public, and the building and construction sector on the aspects of resilience captured in provisions of modern building codes. The toolkit highlights the shifting building codes landscape from strictly a life safety focus to increased incorporation of both resilience and sustainability and also highlights the resilience measures captured throughout the International Code Council’s International Codes.

Read the article in the Building Safety Journal