August 21, 2020 – Has your County approved CPACE?

See the list of counties that have approved CPACE already!

If you have a potential project in a county that has not yet enacted the resolution contact Sustainable Energy Fund at 610-264-4440 or email to find the status of the county and next steps. 

All that you need to know can be found here Note: banks need to “register” with Sustainable Energy Fund at 610-264-4440 or email  to participate.

Beginning September 10, 2020 – Virtual event series from KEEA

Our partners at The Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance (KEEA) are holding a series of virtual events from September 10th – October 2nd.

Industry Forums from the Energy Efficiency Alliance


Hashtag: #IFEE2020


Virtual event series September 10th – October 2nd. Event every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 10 am. Networking happy hour every Friday at 4pm

July 14, 2020 – DVRPC Webinar: Preparing the Electric Grid for a Changing Climate – 1:00 – 2:30 pm

Our friends at Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission are holding a Webinar on July 14th, Preparing the Electric Grid for a Changing Climate.

This forum will discuss investments being made by utilities to prepare their infrastructure for the threats of climate change, and the measures that institutions, including local governments, can take to protect their electricity supply.
This will be an interactive forum, with ample time for discussion and questions with the panelists.
Neil Weisenfeld, P.E., Senior Energy Resilience Expert, ICF
Charles Viemeister, Project Manager—Strategic Planning, Con Edison
Eric Stein, Manager of New Technology Programs, PECO
Panel Moderator
Robert Graff, Manager, Office of Energy and Climate Change Initiatives, DVRPC

There is no cost to attend this forum. For questions, please contact Rob Graff at

To learn more and to register for the event, go to

March 25, 2020 – Tools to start a COVID-19 Working Capital Access program application

We are happy to announce that the guidelines for the Covid-19 Working Capital Access (CWCA) Program were approved by the PIDA (PA Industrial Development Authority) Board on March 23, 2020.  The Chester County Economic Development Council (CCEC) is a Certified Economic Development Organization (CEDO) and, as such, will accept all applications from businesses located in Chester County.

The full application will be available on our website as soon as we are authorized to release it. If you think you will be applying, we encourage you to begin gathering information and preparing documents.

Learn more HERE.