SEI can help your organization maintain a competitive workforce with training grant funds to offset partial costs of energy-related training.

January 1 – June 2024 approved course list: PA Smart IP Grant SEI – Training Plan as of 01-01-2024

To get started, complete the SEI Training Grant Application (to request a fillable version, email Scan and email the completed document (without trainee’s social security number) to

As a resource, below are some of the training vendors that our industry partners have used upskill their employees. You are NOT limited to these companies, and we cannot guarantee that the course you select will match up with our grant. Grant approved courses may change from year to year. We will work to accommodate your preference for training topics and vendors.

EDUCATION & TRAINING INSTITUTIONS for Energy related courses
Association of Engineers (AEE)
BONE Energy Services
Danica Consulting & Training Services
Delaware County Community College (DCCC)
Energy Score
Green Building United
Indoor Sciences
Mike Nelson Consulting Services
Northeast Home Energy Rating System Alliance
PA Petroleum Association
Penn State University – Berks
Penn State University – Brandywine
Penn State University Great Valley
RW Beckett Corporation
TPC Training
WaterFurnace International

Can’t find what you like in the course list, or want help completing the application? Contact us at the email addresses provided below. Contact Sherry Cockerham or Jim Lauckner to receive timely notifications of SEI-approved training in the region, or with any additional questions.

Training funds are provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry and the Chester County Workforce Development Board. All trainees must be residents of the State of Pennsylvania.