January 26, 2022 – Expanding Energy Efficiency Consulting Services for members – 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. The Pennsylvania Department of General Services, in partnership with the PA GreenGov Council, is expanding energy efficiency consulting services for its members and is looking for vendors to perform the work. The statewide Consulting Services ITQ 4400007410 is now offering two new services to help agencies and COSTARS members with building energy efficiency projects. ASHRAE Level 1 & 2 energy audits and ENERGY STAR Building Certifications are now being made available under this Consulting Services ITQ. KEEA members wishing to qualify under the Consulting ITQ Contract 4400007410, can visit the Department of General Services ITQ Documents and Info web page to view the statement of work and to be eligible to provide service to agencies and COSTARS members. For those not familiar with the commonwealth procurement process, or would like more information on opportunity, a webinar will be held on January 26, 2022 from 1-2PM. Please send an email to the GreenGov Council ra-gsgreengov@pa.gov requesting the ASHRAE Audit/ENERGY STAR Vendor meeting information. Jeaneen A. Zappa The Energy Efficiency Alliance/ Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance/ Energy Efficiency Alliance of New Jersey The Energy Efficiency Alliance is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)3 corporation dedicated to advancing energy efficiency in the Mid-Atlantic through education and awareness. |
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