Follow this link to read the Environment + Energy Leader article by Emily Holbrook titled “Report Shows 35% Anticipate PPA Price Decrease in 2020”
Author Archives: Sherry Cockerham
October 22, 2019 – Maryland Clean Energy Summit – College Park, MD
The 2019 Maryland Clean Energy Summit is just a few weeks away! Our latest Who’s Attending Overview and At-A-Glance Summit Program can be viewed online.
Join the Maryland Clean Energy Center for the 2019 Maryland Clean Energy Summit on October 22, in College Park, MD. Network with hundreds of clean energy leaders, policy makers, and innovators. You won’t want to miss the impressive speaker line-up focused on “Investing in the Future: Building the Advanced Energy Economy – Innovation, Infrastructure & Partnerships.” General Registration closes on Friday, October 11. For additional program details, visit
Article on a recent C-PACE project:
Interesting web site that tracks PACE activity:
October 19, 2019 – Solar Open Houses – part of Chesco Clean Energy Tour
See solar panels up close, ask questions about how solar works, learn about why people in your community made the choice to go solar, and connect with other people in your community who support solar energy.
This event is free and open to the public – everyone is welcome to attend. Whether you are a solar owner, completely new to solar, or somewhere in between – this event is for you. Stop by for a few or stay for a while!
Locations Saturday October 19 will be in Kimberton, West Chester, Downingtown and Coatesville. Check the website for exact times and locations.
Learn more, RSVP, and sign up here to receive Updates and News on Solar Power.
October 11, 2019 – Significant Smart Energy Projects in the Region
To learn more and to register click >> HERE
Significant Smart Energy Projects in the Region and what your business can learn from them
During this breakfast briefing hosted by Saint-Gobain, the Smart Energy Initiative (SEI) of Southeastern PA will provide updates on significant investments made by regional government and non-government entities to improve energy efficiency and use Alternative energy. Our speakers include key representatives from the Borough of West Chester, County of Chester, and Saint-Gobain (Malvern, PA). They will provide an update on how energy is used within their facilities and the measures taken to continuously enhance its effective use.
Learn about these cost effective projects and learn how they may apply to your business.
The Borough of West Chester and County of Chester will speak to the investments made to their infrastructure; allowing them to more efficiently service its community. Saint-Gobain will share their vision of what continuous improvement means to them and the Wins that can be achieved by always reaching for the next level.
Lastly there will be an update available on CPACE and how this may help you finance your commercial energy projects, possibly at a net zero cost.
Event Agenda:
8:00am – 8:25am Check in & Continental Breakfast
8:25am – 10:15am Presentation and Q&A
10:15am – 11:00am Optional Tour / Networking
Will Williams, Sustainability Director – West Chester Borough
Ryan Spies, Director of Sustainability, Energy & Stewardship – Saint-Gobain in North America
Stephen Sinclair, Project Manager – County of Chester Department of Facilities Management
November 1, 2019 – LEED Green Associate Workshop, held at CCEDC in Exton
Fri, 11/1/2019 – 8:30am – 4:30pm To Learn more and to register click HERE.
Who can become an expert on LEED? Everyone!
Earning your LEED Green Associate credential signifies a core competency in green building principles. It is also the base requirement for those interested in becoming a LEED AP.
We invite you to attend our full-day LEED Green Associate Workshop, led by Green Building United’s Immediate Past Board Chair, Jon Jensen of MaGrann Associates. Attendees will learn about the LEED standard, credit categories, general green building principles, as well as information on how to prepare successfully to take the exam. Students will also receive a study packet with helpful tips, vocabulary, definitions, and more!
Take the first step in earning your LEED Green Associate credential by attending this exciting workshop!
Event Cost
Member: $250
Non-member: $350
Note that $100 Chapter Membership covers the difference between the non-member and member rates!
September 21, 2019, 9am-1pm – 9th Annual Phoenixville Green Earth Festival, Phoenixville
This FREE event will host exhibitors that specialize in Eco-friendly products and services, Renewables, Alternative energy, Environmental, Nature advocacy, Local Artisans, and Organizations making a difference in the community in positive ways. There will be demonstrations and an educational element. Kid’s activities are included. Attendees can walk the Farmer’s Market, enjoy music, delicious food and produce.
To learn more go HERE.
Sierra Club’s RF100 Energy Education Series through August 27, 2019
To learn about the scheduled sessions including the topics Conservation & Energy Efficiency in Buildings as well as Green Buildings, LEED Certs & Codes, please click HERE
$1 million in DEP grants available to small businesses, farms
HARRISBURG, July 29 – Grant funding of $1 million is available from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to help small businesses and farms “grow green” and become more energy efficient while reducing operating costs, state Reps. Bob Merski and Pat Harkins, both D-Erie, announced.
Read the article HERE
Philadelphia Solar week is August 12-17, 2019
Philadelphia Solar Week is August 12-17, 2019. A full calendar of events and details are here: