January 9, 2024 – SEI Working Groups meeting – 5-7:30 p.m.

The Annual SEI Working Groups will meet 1/9/2024 from 5-7:30 p.m. in Exton! These sessions will help SEI understand what trends you are hearing about in the energy industry, what would be of value to our industry partners and what training needs do you have during this quarter and throughout 2024. For an invitation, please contact Jim Lauckner jlauckner@ccedcpa.com and include your name, company and role.

Breakout session subgroups are in the following categories:

  • Hydrogen
  • Microgrids
  • CHP and Renewable Fuels
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Geothermal
  • Solar and Energy Storage

January 1, 2024 – Training Funds to reimburse up to 50% of trainings completed between January 1 – June 2024

SEI can help your organization maintain a competitive workforce with training grant funds to offset partial costs of energy-related training.

January 1 – June 2024 approved course list: PA Smart IP Grant SEI – Training Plan as of 01-01-2024

To get started, complete the SEI Training Grant Application (to request a fillable version, email scockerham@ccedcpa.com) Scan and email the completed document (without trainee’s social security number) to sockerham@ccedcpa.com.

As a resource, below are some of the training vendors that our industry partners have used upskill their employees. You are NOT limited to these companies, and we cannot guarantee that the course you select will match up with our grant. Grant approved courses may change from year to year. We will work to accommodate your preference for training topics and vendors.

EDUCATION & TRAINING INSTITUTIONS for Energy related courses
Association of Engineers (AEE)
BONE Energy Services
Danica Consulting & Training Services
Delaware County Community College (DCCC)
Energy Score
Green Building United
Indoor Sciences
Mike Nelson Consulting Services
Northeast Home Energy Rating System Alliance
PA Petroleum Association
Penn State University – Berks
Penn State University – Brandywine
Penn State University Great Valley
RW Beckett Corporation
TPC Training
WaterFurnace International

Can’t find what you like in the course list, or want help completing the application? Contact us at the email addresses provided below. Contact Sherry Cockerham or Jim Lauckner to receive timely notifications of SEI-approved training in the region, or with any additional questions.

Training funds are provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry and the Chester County Workforce Development Board. All trainees must be residents of the State of Pennsylvania.

January 18, 2024 – Solar Adopter’s Conference – 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. FREE

Learn more and register https://www.eventcreate.com/e/solarconference

About this Event
It’s always sunny in Chester County! On-site solar energy for big energy users can save money and help meet sustainability goals. With ample incentives available, 2023/24 is a great time to get the ball rolling on evaluating solar and energy storage options.

At the Solar Adopters Conference attendees will learn about how corporations, office and education campuses, agricultural producers and shopping centers can take advantage of the latest technology, available incentives, RFP guidance, and support from local governments and the electric utility to realize energy price stability, carbon emissions reduction and long-term cost benefits.

Who Should Attend
Business owners/managers, facility managers, and sustainability managers representing the following sectors (and others!) that are considering on-site solar and/or energy storage are encouraged to attend this free event:

  • Industry
  • Agriculture
  • Commercial entities, including office parks and shopping centers
  • Schools and higher ed. campuses
  • Healthcare facilities
  • Warehouses and distribution centers
  • Multifamily housing and hotels

As a Bonus…
All registrants have the option to receive a quick analysis of their site’s on-site solar potential – receiving a letter grade raking the solar potential at each address provided. Assessments are done by Station A – a solar RFP organizer, not a solar installer.

Hosted By
Chester County Environmental and Energy Advisory Board
Smart Energy Initiative of Southeastern PA
PA Solar Energy Industries Association
Exton Chamber of Commerce
Western Chester County Chamber of Commerce
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission


  • 8:30-9:00 – Check in, networking, coffee and light breakfast
  • 9:00-12:00 – Program (subject to change)
    • State of Solar Energy in PA and Chester County
      Ron Celentano, Pennsylvania Solar Energy Industries Association
    • Site Assessments
      Leo Menard, StationA
    • Grid Connection Considerations
      Brian Barr, PECO
    • Financial Incentives
      Christine Knapp, US Department of Energy, PECO, Sustainable Energy Fund
    • Energy Storage, Micro-Grids
      Andy Meserve, EOS
    • Local Solar Case Studies
  • 12:00-1:00 – Lunch

Date: Thursday, January 18
Time: 8:30 am-12pm, with lunch following
Location: nth Innovation Center, 190 West Lincoln Highway, Coatesville, PA 19320
Cost: Free!

September 13, 2023 – Department of Environmental Protection: Small Business Advantage Grant Program – Apply before 3/22/23

Department of Environmental Protection: Small Business Advantage Grant Program, may be of interest to some of our members

Who May Apply: For-profit businesses in PA with a primary physical location in PA and 100 or fewer full-time employees. Commercial real estate businesses and tenant businesses may also be eligible if they meet the criteria outlined in the program guidelines.

Use: The Program is a first-come, first-served grant program that provides matching grants to assist small businesses undertaking energy efficiency, pollution prevention or natural resource conservation projects.
$1 million in grant funding is available for this funding round for grants between $5,000 and $8,000.

Application Deadline: Grants will be accepted through March 22, 2024 or when funds are exhausted, whichever occurs first.

More information: DEP Website

October 2023 – SEI Newsletter, Are you capturing all of the benefits and cash grants for your company?


  1. Are you sure that you know what you are paying for in the company’s Energy bills? Attend the SEI event on October 19 at our conference center in Exton.  The True Impacts of Alternative Energy on Your Utility Bill will provide examples and case studies will be presented showing both favorable and detrimental scenarios based on the type of utility invoicing. The goal of this program is to educate the audience on how alternative energy projects can affect your “bottom line” allowing for improved decision making. Register at  https://True_Impacts_of_Alt_Energy_on_Your_Bill_Oct19.eventbrite.com.
  2. There will be millions of dollars spent, your tax dollars, The PA DEP and Penn College of Technology are asking you to participate in a virtual meeting and provide your valuable input for their Weatherization / Energy Program on October 24th 10 – 11 am via zoom. The goal is to get a cross section of employers about desired skills, expertise and certifications that are needed to do work in the energy sector. Companies can register at Weatherization Workforce Stakeholder Forums (constantcontactpages.com).
  3. As Federal funding begins to hit the market and fund Energy projects, we expect that you may need to expand your workforce and wish to hire people not only with a strong work ethic but some skill and industry knowledge. SEI would like to determine if your company is eligible for a Clean Energy Workforce Development Grant from the PA Department of Labor & Industry. Access a quick form here to get started CLEAN ENERGY GRANT FORM. These grants can help create a recruiting and hiring plan customized for your organization. Learn where people are being trained in Solar, Energy Efficiency, Newer Building Codes, Geothermal, Building Management etc.
  4. SEI has cash grants right now to reimburse your company up to 50% of energy related training costs. Access an easy form to get started, and learn more SEI CASH TRAINING GRANTS.
  5. FYI: The DOE, in collaboration with its Partnership Intermediary, ENERGYWERX, has re-opened applications for small and medium-sized manufacturing firms (SMMs) to receive grants of up to $300,000, at 50% cost share, to implement recommendations made in Industrial Assessment Centers (IAC) assessments and/or DOE Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership (CHP TAP) assessments – including what are now called “Onsite Energy TAP” assessments – and, once qualified, other assessments submitted previously for qualification as “IAC-equivalent.”

If you have any questions or suggestions, please call me. I answer my cell 8 am – 8 pm 7 days a week. I understand that you have a business to manage and will call you back if I miss your call.


Jim Lauckner

Project Consultant

Smart Energy Initiative, SEI

Chester County Economic Development Council (CCEDC)

Eagleview Corporate Center, 737 Constitution Drive, Exton, PA 19341

Direct Office: 610-321-8231 Main Office: 610-458-5700  Cell: 215-470-2684   Fax: 610-458-7770

Email:  jlauckner@ccedcpa.com


October 2023 – CHP Grant information with Q&A session on Oct. 19th at 1:00 p.m.

DOE, in collaboration with its Partnership Intermediary, ENERGYWERX, has re-opened applications for small and medium-sized manufacturing firms (SMMs) to receive grants of up to $300,000, at 50% cost share, to implement recommendations made in Industrial Assessment Centers (IAC) assessments and/or DOE Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership (CHP TAP) assessments – including what are now called “Onsite Energy TAP” assessments – and, once qualified, other assessments submitted previously for qualification as “IAC-equivalent.”

View LinkedIn post on it here and DOE’s press release here.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and will be reviewed quarterly. The deadline to be include in the next quarterly review cycle is December 31, 2023 at 5 pm ET.

A DOE Objective Strategic Session (OSS) question and answer session will be held monthly, with the next one occurring on October 19, 2023 at 1 pm ETRegister here.

October 3 and 4, 2023 – Geothermal Training at CCEDC 8am-5pm in Exton

October 3, 2023 – Basic Troubleshooting Geothermal:  Basic Troubleshooting covers many introductory and refresher topics to prepare a technician to perform diagnostics on our equipment. This course covers loop types, basic geothermal heat pump principles, and the refrigeration cycle. The course also includes how to troubleshoot a geothermal heat pump from the water and refrigeration systems, leak detection, TXV diagnosis, reversing valves, and other water source heat pump components. Basic component replacement is discussed, as well as controls and air and water-side analysis. This one day class is the perfect course for a new technician or a seasoned technician looking to brush up on skills. REGISTER: https://Basic_Troubleshooting_Geo_Training_Oct3.eventbrite.com


October 4, 2023 – Flow Centers Application, Installation & Diagnostics:  This one day module will cover the basics of flow center selection and sizing with GDS pressure drop calculator demonstration, basic installation practices, troubleshooting, pump slaving, impact of water quality on pump life and warranty. This class also includes flushing of both pressurized and non-pressurized flow centers as well as antifreeze selection and safety practices. REGISTER: https://Flow_Centers_Application_Installation_Diagnostics.eventbrite.com

Instructor Bio – Jay A. Hammond, WaterFurnace

Jay Hammond has been in the geothermal heating and cooling industry for well over 30 years.  Jay started his career literally “in the trenches” installing loop systems for a contractor, later moving to installation and service for various HVAC/R systems.  He has been employed by two major geothermal heat pump manufacturers in positions including Field Technical Service Advisor, National Training Manager, and National Accounts Manager.  He also has been employed by a large geothermal contractor and has experience with consumer sales and all other aspects of contracting.  Mr. Hammond is currently Training Manager for WaterFurnace, International.  He believes that training is paramount to successful geothermal systems and satisfied customers.  Mr. Hammond has had many published papers and articles and has been invited to speak at various trade conventions and assemblies.  Mr. Hammond is also listed as inventor for a geothermal heat pump system patent.

Mr. Hammond is a NATE Instructor and Proctor, IGSHPA Instructor, a NCCER Level 1-4 HVAC Instructor, and is certified as an instructor with various other organizations and State authorities.  In his spare time, Mr. Hammond is an NRA Certified Instructor and coaches youth firearms teams.


October 19, 2023 – The True Impacts of Alternative Energy Solutions on your Utility Bill – 8:30 – 10:30 a.m.

The True Impacts of Alternative Energy Solutions (Renewables, CHP and EV Charging Projects) on your Utility Bill.

Join us for a strategic “look behind the curtain” as we explore the true impacts of Renewables, CHP and EV charging projects on your gas and electric utility bills.

Presenter Bio:

David Ferro, CEO of Optics Consulting LLC has over 25 years as an energy advisor.  Starting his career with Hess Oil and Columbia Gas, Dave is now the owner of an energy management and engineering firm.  Dave and his team at OPTICS Consulting are actively managing fortune 100 companies’ energy spend, use of energy, as well as their greenhouse gas objectives. He is passionate about solving energy problems and supportive of the use of innovation to achieving objectives.  Dave’s experience working for both utility, public and private sectors provides him with a diverse background for making informed energy market decisions.