February 27, 2018 – SEI Annual Energy Briefing

Leaders in the energy field will briefly review fascinating 2017 energy trends, news and events to present an overview of the 2018 energy forecast. The energy briefing will give you state, and national data, geared for a Mid-Atlantic audience. The speakers will also discuss energy finance legislation in session right now, pending pipeline legislation, and recent solar energy bills and energy codes that have been passed.  Hear what it means for Southeastern Pennsylvania and how the changes in the energy economy and energy policy may affect businesses.


Who Should Attend:

Business owners small and large.  Anyone who purchases energy for their company.  Energy Consultants, Architects, Engineers, and developers.

Our Speakers:

Christina Simeone, Director of Policy and External Affairs, Kleinman Center for Energy Policy at the University of Pennsylvania

Prior to joining the Kleinman Center, Christina served as the Director of the PennFuture Energy Center for Enterprise and the Environment, where she focused on energy and climate issues that impact Pennsylvania. Additionally, Christina has experience in private environmental consulting, in the financial management sector, with the PA Department of Environmental Protection, and with the Alliance for Climate Protection, where she served as the Policy Director.  She holds a Master of Environmental Studies degree from Penn, a B.A. in Economics from the University of Miami, and B.S. in Music from Drexel University. 

 Julian Boggs, Policy Director, KEEA

KEEA Policy Director Julian Boggs is responsible for developing and advancing KEEA’s policy agenda at the state legislature. Julian has been working to advance on clean energy policy since 2009. He has co-authored several reports evaluating the progress of Ohio utilities, and toward meeting state energy efficiency goals, and worked in Washington DC defending federal energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. Julian has a Bachelor’s degree from Colorado College and can be reached at jboggs@kealliance.org.

If you would like to sponsor this event, please contact Jim Lauckner at 610-321-8231.

** (Your ticket purchase will be automatically applied to a SNOW DATE of Wednesday, February 28 if a cancellation is made to February 27) ***

January 23, 2018 – Benefits of VW Settlement and of Alternative Vehicle Fuels in PA

Tuesday, January 23
8:30am to 10:00am

Chester County Economic Development Council
737 Constitution Drive
Exton, PA  19341

Join the Smart Energy Initiative to learn about clean transportation in southeastern PA – including an update on the Volkswagen settlement in Pennsylvania and issues affecting Chester County.


  • David Altoff, Environmental Group Manager – Department of Environmental Protection – Pollution Prevention and Energy Assistance Office
  • Tim Phelps, Executive Director – Transportation Management Association of Chester County
  • Tony Bandiero, Executive Director – Eastern Pennsylvania Alliance for Clean Transportation

Registration – CLICK HERE

October 5, 2017 – Benefits of Building Energy Efficiency at Aerzen USA

Thursday, October 5
3:30pm to 5:00pm

Aerzen USA
108 Independence Way
Coatesville, PA  19320

Join the Smart Energy Initiative of Southeastern PA for a tour of Aerzen USA Headquarters in Coatesville, PA. Aerzen is a leading manufacturer of high-quality industrial blowers, compressors, and vacuum pumps. The building was designed to house an assembly plant and office space in an effort to enable lean manufacturing under one roof.

Presenter – Ralf Weiser, Manager, Project Management
Moderator – Steve Krug, SEI Program Committee chair will act as emcee

Tickets: $30.00 regular attendee; Free for students (must present ticket)

Registration – https://benefitsofbuildingenergyefficiencyataerzen.eventbrite.com