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February 1, 2022 – 10th Annual SEI Energy Briefing – now available on YouTube!
The SEI Energy Briefing is on YouTube!
Here is the link.
Going deep: Princeton lays the foundation for a ‘net-zero’ campus
SEI would like to share the following Geothermal success story out of Princeton University.
Be our sponsor at an upcoming event! Here are the opportunities
Event Sponsorship Opportunities for the 2021-2022 Program Year
Levels and Benefits
The Smart Energy Initiative holds a number of seminars and workshops designed to increase awareness of local and domestic energy issues for both the industry and non-energy industry businesses. Topics cover the full breadth of this diverse industry, and always include solutions employing the region’s energy companies and their highly-trained workforce. These events attract audiences composed of business owners/leaders, industry advocates, elected officials, community leaders. Each event has available sponsorships that offer exposure and benefits. Funds from sponsorships are used to offset the costs of refreshments, facilities, marketing costs, and Smart Energy Initiative staff time used to develop and coordinate events. Benefits and sponsor levels can be customized to suit the sponsors’ needs and the specific event.
Presenting or Title Sponsorship Level: $3000
- Sponsor name will be part of the official event name
- Most prominent name and logo placement on all printed materials related to the event
- Most prominent ad in any program guides or agenda hand outs
- Logo placement on backdrops for presentation materials and/or photo opportunities
- Logo placement on SEI web site
- Preferred seating/tables
- Photo opportunities for any press coverage
- Introduction at the event of your company and Opportunity to give a brief introduction of your company or services at the beginning of the presentation.
- Two complimentary tickets to the event.
Gold Event Sponsorship Level: $1,500
- Premier placement of your company logo and website on the program announcement, which is sent at least twice to a minimum of 4,000 individuals. The program announcement is also posted on numerous websites, calendars and social media venues.
- Opportunity to introduce the speaker(s).
- Your business logo and address will be included in the pre-meeting projection of a slide noting SEI thanks to our sponsors; the slide is shown prior to the presentation.
- Permission to set up a table to share their business information before and after the presentation.
- One individual marketing piece to be included in handouts for the event.
- Two complimentary tickets to the event
Support Event Sponsorship Level: $750
- A company logo and web link on the announcement flyer listing the sponsor as a Supporting Sponsor of SEI and event. Again this announcement will be sent at least twice to a minimum of 4,000 individuals and the program announcement is also posted on numerous websites, calendars and social media venues.
- Your business logo and website will be included in the pre-meeting projection of a slide noting SEI thanks to our sponsors; the slide is shown prior to the presentation.
- One individual marketing piece to be including in handouts for the event.
- Two complimentary tickets to the event
2021 – 2022 Sample Events:
- February 2022 Annual Energy Briefing Seminar
- SEI Breakfast Briefings
- Working Groups meetings on select topics
Energy Briefing Presenter Bios
David Althoff Jr. Director – Energy Programs Office; Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
David has worked for the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection for over 20years. David’s office, the Energy Programs Office, is involved in supporting, designing and implementing energy focused programs to encourage the development and deployment of energy efficiency and alternative energy projects in Pennsylvania. The Energy Program’s Office’s mission is to support energy activities which result in environmental improvements including mitigating the effects of and adapting to climate change.
During his career with DEP, David has led the development and implementation of several significant energy incentive programs including deployment of $125 Million of American Recovery and Reinvestment Stimulus funds, the $100 million Pennsylvania Sunshine Program, a $20 million Program focusing on encouraging natural gas use in on-road heavy duty vehicle fleets and a $15 million Green Energy Revolving Loan Fund.
David and his staff lead the very popular Pennsylvania Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Programs distributing nearly $5 Million annually to support alternative fuel use in the transportation sector in Pennsylvania. In addition, Dave and a few key staff persons have spent the last several years developing Pennsylvania’s Electric Vehicle Roadmap and creating a stakeholder group, the Drive Electric Pennsylvania Coalition.
Dave is a life-long Pennsylvanian, a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and lives in Hummelstown, PA.
Katie Cullen – Founding Partner; SC Partners LLC
Katie began her Washington career as Deputy Director of the House Radio-TV Gallery, where she got to know then junior Members of Congress and staff, who are now leading figures in U.S. politics.
After leaving Capitol Hill, Katie served as Vice President for the Integrated Waste Services Association, the leading trade organization for the waste energy industry. During her tenure, she was responsible for implementing renewable portfolio standards (RPS) in various states around the country. Katie also served as Vice President of Public Affairs for the U.S. Conference of Mayors representing the mayors of America’s largest cities.
Since founding SC Partners, Katie is leading advocate for clean and renewable energy resources as an engine of innovation, economic development, and job creation. Katie expanded the breadth of her energy and environment policy experience working on issues related to solar, onshore and offshore wind, combined heat and power, waste heat to power, battery storage, ethanol, waste-to-energy, electrochromic glass, transportation, and recycling. Katie has appeared on speaker expert panels at a variety of political and energy industry conferences. Katie received her BA from the University of Miami, Coral Gables and studied at the Washington Consortium for American Government in Washington, DC.
Andy Daga – President & Chief Executive Officer; Momentum Dynamics Corporation
Andy’s fascinating story takes him from his birthplace of Brooklyn, NY, through Ithaca NY where his family developed the best Italian Restaurant in town through Hawaii, degrees in structural and civil engineering, architecture and space science and technology, ground-breaking work at NASA and his current role at Momentum Dynamics. Prior to founding Momentum Dynamics, Andy was a leading consultant to the aerospace industry and contributed to the design of the International Space Station solar power array system, the Mars Pathfinder program, and future mission planning studies with NASA and the US Department of Defense.
Andy will admit that this layered journey wasn’t fully planned, but nor did it happen by accident: as a child, Andy would travel with his family from his home in Brooklyn to visit their extended family in Philadelphia, PA (hence our home today in Malvern PA). This route took him through New Jersey and past the bleak refineries of Route 95. As a lover of architectural beauty, the outdoors and being obsessive about ‘all things efficiency’, the New Jersey oil refineries were the antithesis of everything Andy wanted the world to be.
Fast forward to Andy’s time at NASA. He came upon the idea of inductive charging while mulling on ways to save cable weight on the International Space Station and future Mars missions. Why employ heavy cabling to carry electrons when it could be done efficiently through a vacuum or even the air itself? Out of this thought was born Momentum Dynamics.
Through his varied experiences Andy has developed a strong capacity to identify engineering talent and manage multidisciplinary engineering and business teams. Andy is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) where he serves on a number of standards committees. He believes that every precious piece of our finite resources should be fully valued and carefully spent. He envisions a world of zero emissions, zero cables and zero wasted miles doing anything but making our lives better.
He is a devoted husband, family man, polymath and entrepreneur. He is passionate about his dogs and his team at MD – perhaps in that order.
He is still working to make the world a better place, one electron at a time.
February 1, 2022 – 10th Annual Energy Briefing – 8:30-10:00 a.m. (in-person w/ virtual option)
REGISTER for in-person OR zoom ticket
Topics include:
- $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act programs signed on November 15, being implemented in 2022 including electric vehicle infrastructure
- What’s in store for electric vehicle charging and battery storage trends
- C-PACE funding
- $300M Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) program
- CO-GEN to achieve greater energy resiliency
- Benefits of Solar PV
January 26, 2022 – Expanding Energy Efficiency Consulting Services for members – 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
The Pennsylvania Department of General Services, in partnership with the PA GreenGov Council, is expanding energy efficiency consulting services for its members and is looking for vendors to perform the work. The statewide Consulting Services ITQ 4400007410 is now offering two new services to help agencies and COSTARS members with building energy efficiency projects. ASHRAE Level 1 & 2 energy audits and ENERGY STAR Building Certifications are now being made available under this Consulting Services ITQ. KEEA members wishing to qualify under the Consulting ITQ Contract 4400007410, can visit the Department of General Services ITQ Documents and Info web page to view the statement of work and to be eligible to provide service to agencies and COSTARS members. For those not familiar with the commonwealth procurement process, or would like more information on opportunity, a webinar will be held on January 26, 2022 from 1-2PM. Please send an email to the GreenGov Council requesting the ASHRAE Audit/ENERGY STAR Vendor meeting information.
Jeaneen A. Zappa
Executive Director, 412-693-0319
The Energy Efficiency Alliance/ Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance/ Energy Efficiency Alliance of New Jersey
The Energy Efficiency Alliance is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)3 corporation dedicated to advancing energy efficiency in the Mid-Atlantic through education and awareness.
Our Mission: The Energy Efficiency Alliance deploys education, strategic outreach, and policy innovation to expand the market for energy efficiency in the mid-Atlantic region. As the largest and fastest-growing industry in the energy sector, our efforts are focused on growing a local workforce that cannot be outsourced, while reducing pollution and bolstering the local economy.
December 10, 2021 – PA Dept of General Services expanding energy efficiency consulting services
The Pennsylvania Department of General Services, in partnership with the PA GreenGov Council, is expanding energy efficiency consulting services for its members and is looking for vendors to perform the work. The statewide Consulting Services ITQ 4400007410 is now offering two new services to help agencies and COSTARS members with building energy efficiency projects. ASHRAE Level 1 & 2 energy audits and ENERGY STAR Building Certifications are now being made available under this Consulting Services ITQ. Those wishing to qualify under the Consulting ITQ Contract 4400007410, can visit the Department of General Services ITQ Documents and Info web page to view the statement of work and to be eligible to provide service to agencies and COSTARS members. For those not familiar with the commonwealth procurement process, or would like more information on the opportunity, a webinar will be held on January 26, 2022 from 1-2PM. Please send an email to the GreenGov Council requesting the ASHRAE Audit/ENERGY STAR Vendor meeting information.
October 17, 2021 – World Geothermal Energy Day
SEI wants to share the following information provided by the Event Coordinator for the day.
We’d like to include you in upcoming World Geothermal Energy Day events and celebrations on October 17th.
World Geothermal Energy Day
- Showcasing geothermal success around the globe
- People engaging together with ideas, education, and excitement.
- A celebration of geothermal and the people who make it happen.
- Highlighting the environmentally-friendly benefits of renewable geothermal, worldwide.
About World Geothermal Energy Day
This is the one day when people around the globe celebrate the virtues and benefits of geothermal energy, open their shops for tours (both virtual and physical), discuss new technologies, and work to include geothermal in legislation at the local, regional, national, and international levels.
The Hashtag is #WorldGeothermalEnergyDay
Date: October 17, 2021; and annually thereafter.
Raising Awareness
World Geothermal Energy Day aims to raise awareness of the many positive contributions that geothermal systems make to our society. World Geothermal Energy Day celebrates the people that design, build, operate and support the broad range of technologies from large power systems, heat pump systems, down to tiny micro-thermal.
A Team of Industry Leaders
This event has been established by an organizing committee of industry leaders (see web site to bring participants closer to exemplary geothermal projects having a good educational and community outreach program.
The Internet Brings Us All Together
Connecting with one another and sharing expertise is critical for everyone working in the geothermal market. World Geothermal Energy Day helps keep these connections alive not only on this one special day but also provides the impetus for enthusiasm all year round. We are building our future together, on local and global scales; different people and places united in a drive for vibrant communities of geothermal advocates. The internet, the world wide web, social media, and the newest video conference technologies bring us together in ways not possible even a few short years ago.
Join Us for World Geothermal Energy Day
We invite you to learn more about this exciting new chapter in Geothermal Energy education and all its connective elements, from a new website to centralized virtual events, to a history-making celebration of people, technology, and innovation. We shall strive to make World Geothermal Energy Day one of our most prized annual events, to include tours of facilities brought to life by geothermal including power facilities, desalinization plants, botanic gardens, edgy restaurants, schools and universities, medical facilities, and more, all opening on October 17, 2021.
Highlighting Innovation
As the industry continues its legacy of innovation, World Geothermal Energy Day will remain an annual touchstone project and a world apart filled with memorable moments and educational experiences. Our organizing website, will remain operational year-round, open, and ready to be explored and enjoyed by teachers, practitioners, and friends of geothermal energy.
Come Join Us
We are honored to launch, enhance and steward appreciation for one of the world’s most important, most environmentally friendly energy sources; earth-based, renewable geothermal and we invite you to learn more about “geothermal reimagined” along the way.
Share the Passion for Geothermal
For geothermal advocates and leaders, World Geothermal Energy Day is an opportunity for both the technical geothermal community and their business development peers to share in their mutual passion while preserving and promoting relationships, traditions, and shared memories. Swing open the doors (both virtually and physically) and have some fun while also educating those who attend.
The website,
The hashtag #WorldGeothermalEnergyDay will be used to tie in activity across different social media platforms.
Jim Scherrer, Events Coordinator
World Geothermal Energy Day
West Chester, Pennsylvania 19382-6735 – USA
Skype Name = JS.Scherrer
Celebrating the Renewable Benefits of Geothermal, Worldwide!
World Geothermal Energy Day is October 17th annually.
Click here to Visit World Geothermal Energy