September 4, 2021 – World Cogeneration Day 2021 Companies can celebrate or highlight:

o your customers’ resiliency,
o your company’s resiliency,
o your people’s resiliency,
o new innovations in resiliency,
o and the resiliency of your CHP systems.
Of particular interest will be celebrating the resilience of the millennial CHP leaders as they step up to tackle the issues of the day.

Your involvement helped make the inaugural 2020 World Cogeneration Day a great success; “One Day for Cogeneration”. World Cogeneration Day 2020 kicked off an exciting chapter in cogeneration marketing with 100,000’s social media interactions of tweets, sharing, posts, video clips, views, and connections using hashtag #WorldCogenerationDay.
You can see details here:
All activity is organized around the website

March 22-26, 2021 – CMU Energy Week 2021 starts today! Registration remains open.

More New Speakers Announced! In addition to DOE’s Shara Mohtadi, Congressmen Conor Lamb (PA-17) and Mike Doyle (PA-18) have just been added to Tuesday 3/23 Kickoff festivities. Visit for more information and to register.

Join CMU Scott Institute for Energy Innovation on Tues. 3/23 for Energy Insights from these incredible leaders in energy:

1pm:  Welcome – U.S. Rep Mike Doyle, U.S. Rep Conor Lamb, Allegheny County Exec Rich Fitzgerald
1:30pm:  “The Marshall Plan for Middle America: Charting a Path for Pittsburgh’s Climate Future”Mayor Bill Peduto and Grant Ervin, City of Pittsburgh
2pm:  “Energy and the Global Climate Challenge”Jim Skea, IPCC Working Group III
2:30pm:  “Paving the Way to a Decarbonized Energy Future”Brian Anderson, National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)
3pm:  “Transitioning to a Clean Energy Economy” – Shara Mohtadi, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), U.S. Department of Energy
3:30pm:  “Justice in the Energy Transition” – Paula Glover, Alliance to Save Energy
4pm:  “The Future of Mobility: Cities, Transportation, and Innovation” – Raj Kapoor, Lyft
4:30pm:  “A Wedge or Two for Justice: Tactics Beyond Utility Renewable Embargoes” – Michael Dorsey, Ibersun
5pm:  Virtual Reception at REGISTER HERE.

February 17, 2021 – Don’t let your business miss out on Financial Incentives from PECO

Time is running out on your chance to get financial incentives from PECO for making energy-efficient upgrades. For businesses of all types and sizes, PECO can help you save on upgrades to lighting, HVAC, refrigeration and more.

There are only three months left to take advantage of Instant Lighting Discounts and Financial Incentives on dozens of equipment upgrades for your business. All projects must be completed, and final applications submitted by May 15, 2021, so don’t wait. To learn more visit  or call 1- 844-4BIZ-SAVE (1-844-424-9728).

February 9, 2021 – Cash Training Grants now to upskill your employees!

The Smart Energy Initiative of Southeastern PA was just awarded grant monies to give to employers to offset up to 50% of the costs of “approved” training topics. Please see the attached training plan >> SEI Training Plan of Courses and SOC Codes for Training Application 2021 for list of approved courses. If you have IT people needing training our IT partnership, ITAG, has grants too. If the topic you want isn’t listed call Jim Lauckner at 610-321-8231 and he’ll discuss the possibility of getting approval. Or email Jim at

We are not offering training direct through SEI, but instead the grant applicant finds the education provider they want to use and shows us an invoice and finally a proof of payment for that course. With a completed application SEI can reimburse up to 50% of the training cost that was paid by the employer of the trainee.

The cash grant is available first come, first served until the monies are spent. Our program year ends June 30, 2021.

This assistance is being made available by the Smart Energy Initiative of SE PA (SEI), an initiative of the Chester County Workforce Development Board and the Chester County Economic Development Council with grant funds received from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry.


February 23, 2021 – 9th Annual SEI Energy Briefing (Virtual) – 8am-10:30am

Attend this highly anticipated annual event to hear from leaders in the energy field. Presentations will provide a review of current and future energy trends as well as an insider’s overview of the 2021-2022 energy forecast on both the national and regional fronts. Our speakers will present their perspectives on the expectations of strong investments into renewable energy and Green House Gas Reductions. Attendees will learn more about RGGI, CO-GEN to achieve greater energy resiliency, and the benefits of Solar PV.

Who Should Attend: Energy users, large energy purchasers, facilities managers, energy professionals, building owners and developers, municipality managers, sanitation managers.

Learn more and register HERE



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October 12, 2020 – Financial incentives from PECO – expires May 15th, or earlier if funds run out

Below is an announcement SEI would like to share from our partners at PECO.

At PECO, safety is the top priority. As part of our commitment to safety, we’re continuing to monitor developments related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and taking appropriate precautions to protect the health and safety of our employees, contractors and customers. Learn more about ways we can help.

Don’t let time run out on your chance to get financial incentives from PECO for making energy-efficient upgrades to your lighting, HVAC, refrigeration and more. Planning for, purchasing and installing equipment may take longer than you initially expect, but financial incentives from PECO will expire May 15, 2021, or earlier if funds run out.

Not sure what energy improvements to tackle first? Get your customized report to identify ideal areas for cost-saving improvements. Get started HERE