October 3 and 4, 2023 – Geothermal Training at CCEDC 8am-5pm in Exton

October 3, 2023 – Basic Troubleshooting Geothermal:  Basic Troubleshooting covers many introductory and refresher topics to prepare a technician to perform diagnostics on our equipment. This course covers loop types, basic geothermal heat pump principles, and the refrigeration cycle. The course also includes how to troubleshoot a geothermal heat pump from the water and refrigeration systems, leak detection, TXV diagnosis, reversing valves, and other water source heat pump components. Basic component replacement is discussed, as well as controls and air and water-side analysis. This one day class is the perfect course for a new technician or a seasoned technician looking to brush up on skills. REGISTER: https://Basic_Troubleshooting_Geo_Training_Oct3.eventbrite.com


October 4, 2023 – Flow Centers Application, Installation & Diagnostics:  This one day module will cover the basics of flow center selection and sizing with GDS pressure drop calculator demonstration, basic installation practices, troubleshooting, pump slaving, impact of water quality on pump life and warranty. This class also includes flushing of both pressurized and non-pressurized flow centers as well as antifreeze selection and safety practices. REGISTER: https://Flow_Centers_Application_Installation_Diagnostics.eventbrite.com

Instructor Bio – Jay A. Hammond, WaterFurnace

Jay Hammond has been in the geothermal heating and cooling industry for well over 30 years.  Jay started his career literally “in the trenches” installing loop systems for a contractor, later moving to installation and service for various HVAC/R systems.  He has been employed by two major geothermal heat pump manufacturers in positions including Field Technical Service Advisor, National Training Manager, and National Accounts Manager.  He also has been employed by a large geothermal contractor and has experience with consumer sales and all other aspects of contracting.  Mr. Hammond is currently Training Manager for WaterFurnace, International.  He believes that training is paramount to successful geothermal systems and satisfied customers.  Mr. Hammond has had many published papers and articles and has been invited to speak at various trade conventions and assemblies.  Mr. Hammond is also listed as inventor for a geothermal heat pump system patent.

Mr. Hammond is a NATE Instructor and Proctor, IGSHPA Instructor, a NCCER Level 1-4 HVAC Instructor, and is certified as an instructor with various other organizations and State authorities.  In his spare time, Mr. Hammond is an NRA Certified Instructor and coaches youth firearms teams.


October 19, 2023 – The True Impacts of Alternative Energy Solutions on your Utility Bill – 8:30 – 10:30 a.m.

The True Impacts of Alternative Energy Solutions (Renewables, CHP and EV Charging Projects) on your Utility Bill.

Join us for a strategic “look behind the curtain” as we explore the true impacts of Renewables, CHP and EV charging projects on your gas and electric utility bills.

Presenter Bio:

David Ferro, CEO of Optics Consulting LLC has over 25 years as an energy advisor.  Starting his career with Hess Oil and Columbia Gas, Dave is now the owner of an energy management and engineering firm.  Dave and his team at OPTICS Consulting are actively managing fortune 100 companies’ energy spend, use of energy, as well as their greenhouse gas objectives. He is passionate about solving energy problems and supportive of the use of innovation to achieving objectives.  Dave’s experience working for both utility, public and private sectors provides him with a diverse background for making informed energy market decisions.

October 17, 2023 – World Geothermal Energy Day – events through the fall with this topic!

SEI would like to remind our members to celebrate World Geothermal Day on October 17, 2023!

>>Learn more

From worldgeothermalenergyday.org:

World Geothermal Energy Day is October 17, Annually

  • Showcasing Geothermal Success around the Globe
  • People engaging together with ideas, interaction, commemoration, recognition and education.
  • A celebration of geothermal and the people who make it happen.
  • Highlighting the environmentally friendly benefits of renewable geothermal energy, worldwide.
  • Renewable, reimagined, re-engineered; a net-zero carbon system.

On October 17th, consider:

1) Commissioning and starting up your new Geothermal System on World Geothermal Energy Day for maximum media attention.

2) Sign your new deal for a Geothermal Installation on World Geothermal Energy Day for maximum social media outreach.

 Bottom of Form


 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz Praises Eavor’s Technology


Alberta Minister of Environment and Protected Areas Rebecca Schulz promotes Eavor-Loop™ technology in Germany


 Startups Are Shaking Up Geothermal Power’s Prospects


How the Salton Sea could supply enough lithium to meet total U.S. demand


Geothermal Coming of Age: A Short History


Drilling starts for the first commercial Eavor-Loop in Geretsried, Germany


 Advancing Geothermal Energy


Who are we?



Eavor Loop visit | Scholz pledges 10 times more geothermal heating by 2030


Eavor signs agreement for Eavor-Loop geothermal project in Northern California


Eavor Technology reports validation of its Eavor-loop scalable geothermal technology


UPCOMING EVENTS (please let us know of any upcoming events that we should share)

 World Geothermal Congress 2023 September 14 to 23



Geothermal Rising Conference 1-4 October 2023 in Reno, Nevada.


IGSHPA Annual Conference December 5 – 7, 2023 Las Vegas, Nevada Convention Center.

2023 is also NGWA’s 75th anniversary.


September 6-7, 2023 – Time to Scale Up! KEEA and EEA NJ conference in Mt. Laurel.


Wednesday, September 6

8:00 – Complimentary Breakfast
9:00 – Welcome & Keynote
Speaker: Senator Troy Singleton (Majority Whip, NJ State Senate)

10:00 – Panel
National Funding, Local Impact: Deploying Federal Incentives at State Energy Offices
Speakers: David Althoff (PA DEP), Maddie Koewler (NASEO), & Catherine Klinger (Gov. Murphy’s Governor’s Office of Climate Action)
Moderator: Camille Moore (American Association of Blacks in Energy)

11:15 – Panel
Perspectives on Decarbonization
Speakers: Patrick Migliaccio (NJ Natural Gas), Carolyn Sloan (Oracle), Leo Sommaripa (DNV), & J.R. Tolbert (Advanced Energy United).
Moderator: Theo Love (Green Energy Economics Group)

12:30 – Lunch

1:45 – Panel
New Jersey’s Energy Efficiency Landscape
  Mike Ambrosio (NJCEP), Susanna Chiu (PSE&G), Anne-Marie Peracchio (NJNG), & Stacy Ho Richardson (BPU)
Moderator: John Kolesnik (EEA, KEEA, & EEA-NJ)

3:15 – Panel
Pennsylvania’s Energy Efficiency Landscape
 Rob Altenburg (PennFuture), Kathy MacWilliams (PECO), & Tom McAteer (PPL)
Moderator: Andrew Dieck (Performance Systems Development)

4:30 – Networking Happy Hour

Thursday, September 7

8:00 – Complimentary Breakfast

9:00 – Second Keynote
 Christine Guhl-Sadovy (Commissioner, NJBPU)

9:45 – Panel
Multiple Challenges, Multiple Opportunities: Energy Efficiency & Multifamily

Speakers: John Jensen (MaGrann Associates), Lindsey Samsi (Pennrose), Lisa Shulock (Philadelphia Energy Authority), & Brendan Thomas (CMC Energy)
Moderator: Julie de Seve (CLEAResult)

11:15 – Panel
Raising the Bar: Pushing Building Performance Standards With Emerging Strategies

Speakers: Philip Chao (BPU), Amanda Clevinger (Bright Power), Alex Dews (IMT), & Luke Surowiec (ICF)
Moderator: Renwick Paige (EIP)

12:30 – Lunch

1:45 – Panel
Distributed Energy Resources
Speakers: Baird Brown (Eco(n)law), Elowyn Corby (Vote Solar), Manuel Esquivel (Enel), & Russ Newbold (C-Power)
Moderator: Kevin Warren (Warren Energy)

3:00 – Closing Keynote Speaker & Remarks

4:30 – Dismissal

*Please note that schedule, content, and speakers are subject to change

September 26, 2023 – Sustainability Summit – 7:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

SEI is sharing this event for the County.

The Sustainability Summit will take place at Penn State University, Great Valley.

Follow this link for more information https://www.chescoplanning.org/AboutUs/SustainabilitySummit.cfm

Save the Date! Chester County’s first-ever Sustainability Summit will be held on Tuesday, September 26th from 7:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at Penn State Great Valley’s Conference Center.

To support the implementation of the county’s Climate Action Plan, this free event will feature engaging presentations that municipalities, businesses, institutions, non-profits, and anyone who loves our planet can use related to energy efficiency and renewable energy, vehicle fleet transition to alternative fuels, sustainable landscape options, and funding and financing opportunities and local case studies for all of these topics (plus more!). A full agenda and registration will be posted in August.

August 29, 2023 – Geothermal Drilling and Grouting Fundamentals (short course)


Date: August 29, 2023
Location: Westerville, Ohio
CEUs: 0.6




In this one-day short course, you will learn about the equipment and tools used to drill and install vertical ground loops. You will also learn the proper procedures for grouting geothermal boreholes.

The ground source heat pump industry has increased in activity with the extension of both the residential and commercial geothermal tax credits that were signed into law in 2022. As geothermal involves more work than an average water well, proper education is key for groundwater professionals to understand what is required.

Additionally, ISCO Industries will guide you through the proper methods of thermally fusing HDPE pipe. The demonstration, followed by hands-on participation, will focus on the two most common methods of thermal fusion applicable to the geothermal industry: manual butt fusion and socket fusion. All equipment and materials will be provided for your use. Upon completion, you will leave with an understanding of why HDPE is the absolute best material for geothermal installations.

Who should attend?

  • Drilling contractors
  • Sanitarians/health department personnel
  • Ground heat exchanger installers
  • HVAC contractors.


NGWA is partnering with Jackson Geothermal, IGSHPA, and ISCO Industries for this course.

September 4, 2023 – World Cogeneration Day

World Geothermal Day is September 4th! Hold the date and follow the link below for more information.


On this one day, we celebrate the resiliency and sustainability of cogeneration. We celebrate its people and share with the world how CHP serves humanity. Celebrants take to schools, cafes, internet, offices, power plants, and airwaves to teach us what is obvious. If we work together, using resilient, energy-efficient, and sustainable cogeneration, we can tackle the future and enhance the environment that sustains us. Conventional, Bio-gas, Renewable Natural Gas (RNG), and Hydrogen all offer us sustainable and resilient CHP. This one day helps us to pursue a “green  future”, showing that sustainable, resilient energy supplies enable healthy environments.

June 20, 2023 – PA Geo Meeting at CCEDC networking with light food and beverages – 4-5:30 p.m.

PA Geo members may RSVP to scockerham@ccedcpa.com

Interested in attending as a guest to learn more about PA Geo? contact jlauckner@ccedcpa.com.

Our next PA Geo meeting will take place at the CCEDC in Exton with light food courtesy of SEI, and adult beverages courtesy of J*Lis Management. If you need to participate remotely, email Sherry Cockerham, SEI Coordinator at scockerham@ccedcpa.com for a zoom link.

A full agenda will be available soon.

Topics will include:

  • Share what is happening in your business – successes and challenges.
  • SEI Clean Energy Grant aims to help Chester, Berks and Montgomery county businesses through increased connections to local partners and training opportunities, deployment of work-based training models and upskilling methods, and expanded access to career pathway development in the industry. Find out how SEI can help you grow your business by going to the link above, or emailing jlauckner@ccedcpa.com.
  • Are you training your employees, or yourself before June 15, or have you completed any training since April 1, 2023? We want to help! Topics included in the grant are wide and Jim and Sherry can help guide you in the quick application to get up to 50% back on your training costs.
  • In addition to our grant funding available we want to make you and your employees aware of free courses available. SkillUp™ PA provides access to FREE, online job skills training to Pennsylvania residents!? Strengthen your #JobSkills with access to over 6,000 flexible, self-directed, web-based courses. Courses are available on the Metrix Learning Portal and can be accessed by registering for a free account.

Are you hiring, or know of anyone hiring to refer to our upcoming Business Networking event? Hire One Business Networking, June 22 from 5-7PM at CCEDC, Exton. It is not a job fair, but in the spirit of networking and sharing contacts. It is not just who is in the room, but who they can introduce you to, so you may fill your open positions. Light food and adult beverages will be served. https://Hire_One_Business_Networking_June_22.eventbrite.com

Stay plugged in!

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/SmartEnergyPA
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/smart-energy-initiative-of-southeastern-pennsylvania
Twitter – https://twitter.com/SmartEnergyPA?s=20
You Tube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgUaVxld48HVUOS21MjmgXw/featured
Website – https://smartenergypa.org/


William Ronayne, President PAGEO

June 20, 2023 – Clean Energy 101 at Henrietta Hankin Branch Library – 6-7:30pm

Register>> https://ccls.libcal.com/event/10665440

Come learn about energy conservation, efficiency, and electrification from PECO energy experts, and how you can put the pieces together to significantly reduce the energy costs for your home or business while also reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. Rebates from PECO and recently announced incentives from the Federal government and other programs will also be discussed. Follow on seminars will discuss heat pumps, solar panels, geothermal systems, electric vehicles and vehicle chargers. This event is held in partnership with Northern Chester County Clean Energy Future and West Vincent, East Pikeland, Schuylkill and West Pikeland townships.

This is a hybrid event–register to attend in person at the library or online via Zoom. Registered attendees will recieve a Zoom link to join the program two hours before the progam is scheduled to start. You do not need a Zoom account to attend this program online.