12/27 – 2012 – A Powerful Year For Renewables

Thursday, December 27th 2012

Via NPR:

Natural gas may have reshaped the domestic energy market in 2012, lowering energy prices and marginalizing the coal industry, but America’s shale boom hasn’t undermined renewables.

In fact, while analysts were paying attention to fracking this year, a record number of solar panels were being slapped on roofs — enough to produce 3.2 gigawatts of electricity.

That sounds like a lot, but solar is still providing just .05 percent of the country’s total energy. Still, the solar industry keeps expanding. Roan Resh, who heads the Solar Energy Industries Association, said that’s because solar panels are becoming cheaper to make and to install.

“Just to give you perspective,” Resh said, “in Washington, D.C., where I live, when I installed solar on my house six years ago, the average install cost was about $14 a watt. Today it’s about $4 a watt.”

So if you’re installing solar panels, business is good. But there’s a flip side to that equation. Prices are low because of a global manufacturing glut. Solar manufacturers have the capacity to produce way more panels than consumers are asking for right now, and many panel producers are struggling.

The bulk of solar growth is happening at businesses; companies are installing panels on roofs so that they don’t have to buy as much energy from the grid. State and federal policies are making that an easy decision for companies. Businesses who install panels can qualify for grants and tax breaks, and laws in 38 states require a certain amount of electricity to be generated by solar, wind and other renewable sources.

A Good Year For Wind Power, Too

Wind was up this year, too. The federal Energy Information Administration says the industry could add 1.2 gigawatts of capacity this year. Wind only provides a small portion of domestic power, about 3 percent.

Wind is on a strong streak with consumers as well, says Rob Gramlich, a vice president at the American Wind Energy Association. “Where we were serving the equivalent of 6 million homes at the end of 2008, we’re serving 13 million today,” he says.

In three of the last five years, wind has been the fastest-growing energy sector. That was the case in 2012, but this year’s totals leave a bit of a false impression. There’s been a flurry of activity in December.

“The single-most reason for that is the tax support system which we all rely upon is expiring at year-end,” explains Jim Spencer, the president and CEO of New York-based EverPower, which runs wind farms in Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio and California. “We really accelerated projects that might otherwise have been built next year.”

The 2013 Windbreaker

The program — called a production tax credit — expires on Dec. 31. It allows companies that get their wind farms running before then to claim a 2.2-cent tax break for every kilowatt hour of energy produced. That might not sound like a lot, but it keeps their business costs down by about 30 percent.

So wind power is about to get 30 percent more expensive for the utilities at a time when natural gas is very cheap. That’s bad news, Gramlich says.

“Utilities are looking at those prices. And they simply won’t buy nearly as much wind power without that credit,” he says.

The tax credit could still pass, likely as part of the huge bills all the “fiscal cliff” agreements will be stuffed into. A last-minute extension, however, won’t help for 2013.

“It’s really a black hole next year,” says EverPower’s Spencer. “We have absolutely no construction plans for next year.”

So wind will slow down next year, but no matter what happens with natural gas, you can still expect growth in renewables, due to those state laws pushing alternative energy.

States are doing that because climate change scientists around the world agree that if we don’t find a replacement for fossil fuels, our goose is cooked.

12/18 – Wind Industry Proposes Renewal and Gradual Phase Out of PTC

Tuesday, December 18th 2012

From North America Windpower:

Citing internal analysis, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) says phasing out the wind energy production tax cut (PTC) over six years would give the wind industry the time necessary to ramp-down the tax incentive.

According to internal AWEA analysis, the tax credit would start at 100% of the current $0.022/kWh for projects started in 2013, and would be phased down to 90% of that value for projects placed in service in 2014; 80% in 2015; 70% in 2016; and 60% in both 2017 and 2018, and would end after that.

Denise Bode, AWEA’s CEO, says the six-year period allows wind energy to establish a stable base market in the U.S. that the industry can build on, with further market and technology innovation.

“We began this process in order to be a part of the solution on our nation’s fiscal challenges, while creating needed stability for wind industry development, both of which are concerns for our industry,” Bode says. “We completed the analysis, and this is what it identified as necessary for at least a minimally viable industry.”

Bode says the study included detailed economic analyses and high-level discussions with industry leaders, and culminated in approval by the AWEA’s board of directors.

The letter, which was sent to Capitol Hill leaders, addresses separate parallel conversations that have been going on between the industry and Capitol Hill, about extending the PTC in the short term and the vision for the long-term future of the PTC, the association notes.

Read more here…

12/12 – Job Alert: Executive Director at the Sustainable Business Network

Wednesday, December 12th 2012

SEI is pleased to post occasional job openings from member companies, as a means of effectively reaching qualified, local candidates in the smart energy industry. Send job descriptions to Will Williams.

Founded in 2001, the Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia (SBN) is a growing community of independent, locally owned businesses that are committed to improving their environmental and social impacts as well as their profit margin.  As a founding member of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, SBN is a leader in the international movement that is building a future where businesses do well by investing in the quality of life for all citizens; serving community needs, sharing wealth, and protecting the environment.

SBN has a small, dedicated staff team, a passionate and engaged board, and a dynamic membership of business leaders. The mission of SBN is to build a just, green and thriving economy in the Greater Philadelphia region.  For the past eleven years SBN has provided education, resources and a collective voice for our members and partners, while challenging, educating and inspiring policy makers and the general public to support local businesses and help them prosper.  In all the operations and interactions of the organization, the board and staff of SBN are continually striving to set an unprecedented example for how businesses and communities can coexist, collaborate, and create a more sustainable society. SBN seeks a new Executive Director to build upon the strong foundation laid by the first Executive Director, who is moving on after an eight-year tenure.

Position Summary:

As the leader of a community of entrepreneurs, SBN requires a dynamic, innovative and entrepreneurial executive director (ED); one who will build on existing programs and partnerships to accomplish our mission, and propel us towards achieving our collective vision.

The ED functions as the Chief Executive Officer of SBN, and is responsible for implementation of the policies, and planned strategic goals and objectives of the organization.  The ED is the chief fundraiser and oversees the financial, program, and administrative management of the corporation. As the public face of SBN, the ED must embody and champion our values and principals.  As CEO the ED must have the ability to see the larger picture, while skillfully managing details and establishing a stable, nurturing and productive working environment. The ED is expected to make well‐informed decisions, and respect and be empowered by diverse perspectives.  The salary will be commensurate with experience.

Key Qualities and Preferred Experience:

  • Deeply committed to the mission, vision, and values of SBN: http://www.sbnphiladelphia.org/about_sbn/vision_mission/
  • Collaborative and cooperative, with demonstrated success in coalition building. Leadership experience in building a thriving membership organization is a strong advantage
  • Optimistic, articulate and a skillful a problem solver; a community leader who valuesdiversity, authenticity and accountability
  • Entrepreneurial with a proven track record of raising at least $1M in revenue, ideally through a combination of earned income and grants
  • Has at least 4 years experience working with, or in, the for-profit sector and understands the challenges that face entrepreneurs
  • Has at least 4 years executive experience managing a nonprofit budget of $500,000+, with proven financial management skills
  • Has executive experience working effectively with a nonprofit board of directors
  • Has demonstrated skill in engaging with key stakeholders in strategic thinking, planning and implementation
  • Has strong written and verbal communication skills; proficient in appropriate technologies and social media platforms


  • Lead staff and members in developing and implementing high quality programs and strategic partnerships that engage and inspire members and partners, helping them become advocates for the vision and mission of the SBN community.
  • Lead the creation and implementation of a Development Plan for diverse revenue generation. Work with the Board and staff to ensure that adequate funds are available to permit the organization to carry out its work.
  • Oversee the smooth running of all the day-to-day operations and functions of SBN to ensure a lawful and efficient use of resources. Represent the needs of SBN to funding and regulatory bodies.
  • Work with staff to develop and oversee effective and compelling communications to members, the media, and the community at large.
  • Establish and maintain a positive and effective working relationship between the board and staff, and provide strategic support to the board in all its activities and responsibilities.
  • Provide leadership and clear direction for the staff, communicating clearly and constructively on objectives and performance while fostering a collaborative and creative culture.
  • Work with Operations Manager and Bookkeeper to manage finances well and provide regular reports to the Finance Committee and Board of Directors. With support from staff, finance committee and the board, create and manage budgets, and implement initiatives, systems and success measures for financial resources.
  • Maintain and expand the local and national profile of SBN through public, professional and personal contacts.
  • Lead the organization in fulfilling its three-year strategic plan.

How to apply:

Please email cover letter explaining how you fulfill the key Qualities and Preferred Experience, salary requirements, one long and one short writing sample, and resume to  info@sbnphiladelphia.org by December 28, 2012.  Phone calls about this position are discouraged.

For organization info, go to: www.sbnphiladelphia.org


12/7 – SEI Hosts Breakfast on PA’s Natural Gas Vehicle Grant Program

Friday, December 7th 2012

Over 40 businesses, education institutions, and municipalities attending this mornings breakfast briefing entitled “PA’s Natural Gas Vehicle Grant Program.” The event featured a review of the Commonwealth’s $20 million grant program for CNG vehicle conversions, a case study on West Chester University, and information on price trends and infrastructure, courtesy of GP Strategies.

Special thanks to Sunoco for sponsoring this great event!

Pictured above: Tim Phelps (Transportation Management Association of Chester County), Larry Krackov (West Chester University), Dan Lapato (Pennsylvania DEP), Pat Begley (GP Strategies), Catharine Swan (SEI Programming Committee Chair), and Chris McIlroy (Sunoco).

Click below to download the slides from this event (.ppt):


11/30 – SEI Welcomes DVGBC and EEB Hub to Board of Directors

Friday, November 30th 2012

The Executive Committee is proud to announce two additions to the Smart Energy Initiative’s Board of Directors.

The Delaware Valley Green Building Council (DVGBC) works to inspire, educate, and connect people around green building practices that will transform  communities into healthier, more prosperous places for people to live, work and learn. DVGBC will be represented by Executive Director Janet Milkman, as well as by DVGBC members Jim Kerr (IMC Construction) and Pat Bolger (Turner Construction Company).

The Energy Efficient Buildings Hub (EEB Hub) was established in Philadelphia by the U.S. Department of Energy as an Energy-Regional Innovation Cluster with a unique dual mission of improving energy efficiency in buildings and promoting regional economic growth and job creation from their headquarters in Philadelphia’s Navy Yard. The EEB Hub will be represented by Deputy Director for Management and Administration Laurie Actman, and Advanced Energy Retrofit Demonstration Manager Mark Stutman.

The Delaware Valley Green Building Council and the Energy Efficient Buildings Hub join an already diverse group of regional energy companies, non-profits, schools, and economic and workforce development organizations that comprise the Smart Energy Initiative’s Board of Directors.

11/23 – Has Interest in LEED Fallen Off or Has it Been ‘Transformed’?

Friday, November 23rd 2012 

Great read from Building Design + Construction Magazine about the the LEED green building standard. Is it worth pursuing, or will companies simply pursue sustainability features and forego the building designation?

“The most intriguing finding, however, had to do with what seems to be a falloff of interest in LEED certification. In Turner’s 2008 survey, three-fifths of respondents (61%) said they were “very likely” (30%) or “extremely likely” (31%) to seek LEED certification for new or renovated projects. This started falling in 2010, to 53%, and dropped to 48% this year, with 25% “very likely” and 23% “extremely likely” to use LEED.

Why this apparent decline of interest in LEED? One factor, which was not specifically asked in the survey and is based primarily on anecdotal evidence, is that many AEC firms are building sustainably without asking the client’s permission. There’s also considerable evidence that many owners are demanding fairly high levels of sustainable design and construction (at no fee premium!) while forgoing the USGBC plaque. And a fairly large minority of owners (17%) said they would be extremely likely or very likely to pursue other certifications, notably Energy Star.”

Read the full article here.

11/14 – Job Alert: Inside Solar Sales Representative at Community Energy

Wednesday, November 14th 2012

SEI is pleased to post occasional job openings from member companies, as a means of effectively reaching qualified, local candidates in the smart energy industry. Send job descriptions to Will Williams. 

Company Overview
Community Energy (Radnor, PA)  is a leading developer and marketer of renewable energy with offices in Pennsylvania and Colorado. Our mission is to ignite the market and develop the supply of fuel-free energy. Backed by our successful track record and driven by a team passion for leading the way on renewable energy, we deliver renewable energy solutions to utilities, businesses, institutions and individuals.

Our retail division has an established retail market base and reliable brand in delivering wind and solar power to our customers. Community Energy, Inc. is independently-owned and headquartered in Radnor, PA. For more information please visit http://www.communityenergyinc.com.
Position Description

Community Energy, a leading marketer of consumer renewable energy products in the Northeast, is currently seeking inside sales reps for sales of residential solar lease products. The Inside Solar Sales Representative is responsible for generating proposals, presenting solar power options to residential customers via webinar and phone, and achieving sales in line with targets. Advancement opportunities may exist with a proven sales record and demonstration of strong management skills.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, or related field OR 5+ years direct inside sales experience
  • Minimum 2 years sales professional experience
  • Professional presence and strong communication skills
  • Effectively manage multiple priorities simultaneously and meet assigned deadlines; ability to think creatively and devise alternate approaches to challenges and improve upon existing processes
  • Ability to perform at a high level with significant autonomy
  • Goal-oriented performance philosophy; ability to manage to the goal and maintain priorities


The Inside Solar Sales Representative is required to work an entrance probationary period of up to 3 months.  During this probationary period, the Inside Solar Sales Representative will receive a base pay plus commission.  Upon satisfactory completion, the Inside Solar Sales Representative will become a permanent employee and will earn income under the commission-only structure if he/she sells at or above the minimum target level.

Interested candidates: Please email cover letter and resume to Info@CommunityEnergyInc.com. Email subject should read “Inside Solar Sales Representative”.

All offers of employment are contingent upon the successful completion of a background check, references and verification of legal right to work in the U.S. Community Energy, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The Inside Solar Sales Representative is an at-will employee.


11/5 – SEI 2012-2013 Needs Assessment Released

Monday, November 5th 2012

CaptureIt is that time of year again when we ask for your input in creating an informative profile of the region’s smart energy industry. Our five-minute needs assessment will help us prioritize our 2014-2015 efforts and initiatives.

Please take a few minutes to tell us how we may help your organization grow and prosper.

Thanks in advance! We look forward to working with you in the upcoming year.

If you have any questions, please contact Will Williams.

10/30 – Sandy Creates One Of Largest Power Outages In PA History

Wednesday, October 30th 2012

From StateImpact Pennsylvania:

More than 1.3 million Pennsylvania energy customers  lost power this week due toSuperStorm Sandy’s heavy winds.

That makes the storm one of the largest mass power outages in Pennsylvania history.

StateImpact Pennsylvania  sat down with Public Utility Commission Chair Rob Powelson at PEMA headquarters Tuesday afternoon, to talk about what energy companies are doing to get the lights back on. Listen to the interview here:

Looking for information about your power provider? We’ve linked to each utility’s outage map here. 

Read more here.


10/17 – 7.2 MW, 46 Acre Solar Farm Approved in Chester County

Wednesday, October 17th

Congratulations are in store for Solar Working Group member Keare’s Electrical Contracting, who this week received final approval for the Coatesville Solar Initiative project.

“The proposed 7.2-megawatt solar farm on 46 acres was unanimously approved Thursday night, ending an 18-month process that resulted in numerous developer concessions.

The proposed farm was approved with more than 30 conditions, and individuals on every side of the issue praised the process.

“I think it’s a great day for Caln Township, Coatesville and the whole region,” developer Harry “Bob” Keares said Thursday following the decision. “We have gone through a lot of learning processes in order to learn the concerns of the residents. But as a resident of Chester County, I couldn’t be happier for the county right now.”

Throughout the process, the developers changed the proposed plan to accommodate concerns from both the township as well as neighboring residents. The buffers on the property were widened, the stormater management system was increased and the developers will provide public water for neighboring residents.”

Read more at the DailyLocal.com