12/8 – SEI Hosts ‘The Business Case for LED Lighting’

Monday, December 8th 2014 

logoThe Smart Energy Initiative hosted “The Business Case for LED Lighting” on December 3rd at the Chester County Economic Development Council. Charlie Szoradi, Chairman and CEO of Independence LED, presented on the technologies, retrofit considerations, cost of ownership metrics, and more. Bill Ronayne, Chair of the Smart Energy Initiative and President of Brandywine Valley Heating and Air Conditioning presented a case study PECO-PSI logo combo verticalfrom his own warehouse.

Special thanks to PECO Smart Ideas for hosting the event!

Click here to download a PDF version of the presentation, or watch on YouTube:

Part 1 of 3: http://youtu.be/WvFPKf0kdR0
Part 2 of 3: http://youtu.be/WE8LeesTcsU
Part 3 of 3: http://youtu.be/yWfMdgUo2gg


12/4 – The Pipeline Story of the Year (It’s not Keystone XL)

Thursday, December 4th 2014

TCapturehis week, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved plans for the Constitution Pipeline, which will funnel Marcellus Shale gas from Northern Pennsylvania into the nearby major Northeast market, specifically of New York City and Boston.

The proposed, 124-mile, 30 inch underground pipeline is a joint venture between shale players Williams, Cabot Oil & Gas, Piedmont Natural Gas, and WGL  Holdings, and when constructed will be able to move 650,000 dekatherms of natural gas per day (enough natural gas to serve 3 million homes).

mainWhy so important? Despite the proximity to the prolific gas production areas of northern Pennsylvania, major Northeast markets have not taken advantage of cheap natural gas. Compared to the Henry Hub, the price of gas is 2-3x more expensive in New York City and Boston– it’s as if the shale boom never happened in these vital economic areas. The Constitution Pipeline, slated to open in 2016, will likely deflate prices in the Northeast and lead to greater cost parity with Pennsylvania.

That being said, the project faces community opposition, and must obtain final permits from Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation.

Read more about the project on State Impact or ConsitutionPipeline.com.

11/21 – Amazon Joins Google, Facebook with 100% Renewable Energy Pledge

Friday, November 21st 2014

From Wired.com:

VA: Amazon Web ServicesOver the past few years, Apple, Google, and Facebook pledged to run their online empires on renewable energy, and considering how large these empires have become—how many data centers and machines are now required to keep them going—this was a vital thing. But despite pressure from the likes of Greenpeace, the environmental activism organization, the other big internet name, Amazon, didn’t budge.

That all changed on Wednesday. With a post on its website, Amazon’s cloud computing division—Amazon Web Services—said it has a “long-term commitment to achieve 100 percent renewable energy usage for our global infrastructure footprint.”

Amazon is the largest cloud computing company in the world, providing services where developers and business can rent computing power. Many popular websites and services, such as Netflix, Spotify and Pinterest, all use the Amazon cloud. If Amazon cuts its emissions, it could have a significant impact on the tech industry’s carbon footprint.

Read more at Wired.com

11/19 – Job Alert: ECA Hiring a Director, HR Coordinator, Energy Auditor

Wednesday, November 19th 2014

SEI is pleased to post job openings from member companies and partners, as a means of effectively reaching qualified, local candidates in the smart energy industry. Additionally, SEI staff can review applications on you company’s behalf. If you’d liked to post a Job Alert, send descriptions and application instructions to Will Williams.

408629_10151337096405750_1234862212_nThis is an exciting time for the Energy Coordinating Agency and they have a number of employment opportunities available. The Energy Coordinating Agency (ECA) is a nonprofit, 501 (c) 3 organization dedicated to helping people conserve energy and to promoting a sustainable and socially equitable energy future. ECA’s conservation services prevent the emission of over 8,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions every year. ECA is registered as an ISO 9001:2008 company.Director of Conservation Services

ECA is hiring a highly skilled, experienced individual to manage its energy conservation department. This key position oversees the day to day operations of utility and publicly funded programs including: the Weatherization Assistance Program, Philadelphia Gas Works Programs, PECO Smart House Call, EnergyFIT Philly and other related programs. The Director supervises field and office staff responsible for intake, scheduling, auditing, installation, client education and inspection; plans and oversees staff training; recruits subcontractors and oversees selection and administration of subcontracts; and insures the quality and productivity of ECA’s conservation services work.
Click here to download full job description.

Payroll and Human Resources Coordinator

ECA is hiring a talented, well organized individual for the position of Payroll and Human Resource Coordinator. This position is responsible for payroll processing, timesheet review, benefits administration, new hire on-boarding, paid time off tracking, and all employee payroll related questions. The Coordinator will be responsible for relationships with all third parties including Workers Compensation, Unemployment, and other payroll related inquiries. The updating of the employee manual and enforcement of its policies will be part of this position’s job functions.
Click here to download full job description.

Home Energy Auditor

ECA is seeking a qualified individual for the position of Home Energy Auditor. The Auditor will be responsible for auditing homes according to BPI protocols, installing selected measures, and educating residents on how to save energy in their home. Qualified candidates are well organized, punctual, friendly, have a thorough knowledge of building science and are proficient with IT and databases. At least two years related experience and BPI certification preferred.
Click here to download the full job description.

11/18 – Report: 57,000 Pennsylvanians Work in Efficiency and Clean Energy

Tuesday, November 18th 2014

CaptureMore than 57,000 Pennsylvanians currently work at 4,200 clean energy businesses statewide, according to a first-of-its-kind clean energy jobs report released today by nonpartisan business groups Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance (KEEA) and Environmental  Entrepreneurs (E2).

Clean Jobs Pennsylvania: Sizing Up Pennsylvania’s Clean Energy Jobs Base and its Potential” – and  the accompanying website www.CleanJobsPA.com – show that clean energy is an important and sizable employer in Pennsylvania. The report also shows that Pennsylvania lags behind other states, but could catch up with or surpass other states in clean energy jobs if it enacts or strengthens policies designed to encourage energy efficiency and renewable energy.

  • Energy efficiency is the largest employer of the 57,330 Pennsylvanians who work in clean energy, providing jobs for about 37,500 workers, or about 65 percent of the clean energy sector. Small businesses employ the majority of clean energy workers.
  • Clean energy employment grew by 4 percent last year, and is expected to grow by 8 percent next year.
  • Despite strong growth, Pennsylvania is not living up to its potential for clean energy jobs. It trails other states with more supportive clean energy policies. Without policy improvements, it could miss out on major opportunities for future clean energy job growth.
  • By strongly implementing the federal Clean Power Plan and strengthening or expanding policies such as Pennsylvania Act 129 and the state’s renewable energy portfolio standard, lawmakers could dramatically increase the number of job opportunities for Pennsylvanians, while saving businesses and consumers money and helping the state’s economy and its environment.

Rich Selverian, president of KEEA and CFO/COO at energy and building consulting and engineering firm MaGrann Associates, announced the new report today at KEEA’s annual conference in Harrisburg. Selverian said: “Policy plays a key role in the energy economy. At this turning point, our state’s decision makers should double-down on utility energy efficiency programs to support our state’s economic growth.”

E2 Executive Director Bob Keefe said: “Pennsylvania has a storied history as a leader in America’s energy economy. It now has the opportunity to lead again in the next evolution of energy – clean, renewable energy and energy efficiency. It’s up to Pennsylvania lawmakers whether the state will be a leader or a follower.”

Under the federal Clean Power Plan, Pennsylvania can reduce its carbon pollution emissions from existing power plants by 32 percent while creating thousands of new jobs in energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Additionally, strengthening Pennsylvania Act 129, the state’s energy efficiency law, also would drive job growth in businesses ranging from lighting and HVAC companies to efficiency research and development. Increasing the state’s renewable portfolio standard, which currently requires utilities to get 18 percent of their energy from wind, solar and other renewable sources, also would drive job growth and economic development.

Phil Jordan, vice president of BW Research, which conducted the study for E2 and KEEA, said that other states’ experiences show that smart clean energy policy improvements result in strong job growth.”Pennsylvania’s clean energy economy is poised for substantial job growth,” Jordan said. “More supportive policies, such as Maryland’s energy efficiency programs and New Jersey’s renewable energy incentives, could rapidly accelerate the growth of the industry in the Keystone State.”
For more information or to arrange interviews with experts above or with clean energy companies in Pennsylvania, please contact Pat Mitchell, pmitchell@hastingsgroup.com, 703-276-3266.

Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) is a national, nonpartisan group of business leaders,investors and others who promote smart environmental policies that drive economic growth. E2 members, active in nearly every state in the country, have built or financed more than 1,700 companies that have created  more than 570,000 jobs, and manage more than $100 billion in venture and private equity capital. E2 is  an affiliate of the non-profit Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

The Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance (KEEA) is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(6) corporation dedicated to promoting the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries in Pennsylvania. KEEA advocates on behalf of energy efficiency and renewable energyprofessionals on the local, state, and federal levels. By representing the interests of the clean energy industry in Pennsylvania, KEEA is growing the market for energy efficiency and helping the Keystone State secure a prosperous, sustainable tomorrow.

11/7 – Sunoco Moves Forward with $2.5 Billion PA Pipeline

Friday, November 7th 2014

From the Pittsburgh Post Gazette’s POWERSOURCE:

Mariner-East-pipeline“Sunoco announced Thursday that it is pulling the trigger on a second pipeline meant to carry natural gas liquids from southwestern Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio and West Virginia to the industrial complex southwest of Philadelphia.

The $2.5 billion pipeline dubbed Mariner East 2, with a proposed capacity of 275,000 barrels per day (b/​d), is the second phase of the company’s plans to ship natural gas liquids across the state.

Sunoco is in the process of re-purposing Mariner East 1, a crude pipeline that spans 300 miles between Delmont in Westmoreland County and Marcus Hook. That project has a capacity of 70,000 b/​d and is expected to begin shipping propane by the end of the year. The system will add ethane by mid-2015, executives said on Thursday’s quarterly earnings call.

Mariner East 2 will start in Ohio and run through the panhandle of West Virginia and southwestern Pennsylvania until it meets up with its predecessor in Houston, Washington County. From there, the lines will run parallel to the east coast.

At Marcus Hook, natural gas liquids can be shipped to local and regional markets or exported to international customers.”

Read more at POWERSOURCE

10/28 – Why Do People Put Solar on Their Roofs?

Tuesday, October 28th 204,

From the Washington Post:

CaptureAccording to a new study, though, politics and income may not be such important factors after all. Examining the spread of solar photovoltaic residential installations in Connecticut, two researchers at Yale and the University of Connecticut found instead that the single most important factor driving whether a given house installed solar was peer influence — whether other houses nearby had recently done so.

While the author goes on to term this phenomenon “green envy” and ascribe it to one’s desire to show off their environmentalism, we’d point out that, simply by seeing solar in one’s community, people otherwise unaware of the benefits of solar may begin to consider it seriously for the first time. Its not a desire to “show off,” its simply seeing that solar can works for your neighbors, and therefore for you.

Regardless, the research is interesting and worth a read over at WashingtonPost.com.

10/22 – Limerick Nuclear Plant Licenses Extended to 2044, 2049

Wednesday, October 22nd 2014

From the AP, via PennLive.com:

Limerick-rThe Nuclear Regulatory Commission has extended the operating licenses of both units at a suburban Philadelphia nuclear plant for an additional 20 years.

The new licenses for the Limerick Generating Station in Montgomery County will now run until October 2044 for Unit One and until June 2049 for Unit Two.

Exelon says the plant generates 2,345 megawatts of electricity, enough power for roughly two million homes.

Read more at PennLive.com

10/16 – Study: Pennsylvania Struggles to Conserve Energy

Thursday, October 16th 2014

From Bakken.com:


Pa. ranked 39th in US in energy efficiency

As good as Pennsylvania has become at producing energy, the state is pretty good at using it, too, according to a new study.

The Keystone State ranks 39th in the country in energy efficiency, according to an analysis released Tuesday by WalletHub.com, a personal finance social website.

Most neighboring states fared better: Ohio ranked 23rd, Maryland finished 25th, New York ranked 2nd, New Jersey ranked 35th and Delaware tied for 15th.

Vermont turned out to be the most energy-efficient state in the country, while South Carolina is the least energy efficient.

WalletHub used public data to compare home energy efficiency per capita, adjusting for temperature, and car efficiency per driven miles for each of the 48 contiguous states.

Pennsylvania ranked 25th in residential energy efficiency and 42nd in car energy efficiency.

Read more at Bakken.com

10/10 – After 74 Years, PA Turnpike Diversifies Rest Stop Fuel Options

Wednesday, October 9th 2014

From StateImpact PA:

10-20-1939-spreading-concrete-by-hand-somerset-cty-620x499The Pennsylvania Turnpike turns 74 years old today. The vast majority of the roughly 190 million drivers who travel the toll road every year rely on gasoline for fuel just as they did when it first opened on October 1, 1940.

This week, StateImpact Pennsylvania has been taking a journey across the turnpike, exploring the state’s energy past and present and a future that may be shaped by efforts to fight climate change and cut down on greenhouse gases. 

According to the federal Environmental Protection Agency, about one-third of the nation’s carbon dioxide emissions come from the transportation sector, ranking second behind power plants. Yet, cars that run on natural gas, electricity and other lower-carbon alternatives haven’t become mainstream.

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission is trying to offer new options – in part, to lower its own carbon footprint, but also because the state is offering millions of dollars in grants to create new markets for alternative fuels.

Read more at StateImpact PA.