8/5 – 2014-2015 Annual Needs Assessment Available

Tuesday, August 5th 2014


Click here to complete!

It is that time of year again when we ask for your input in creating an informative profile of the region’s smart energy industry. Our five-minute needs assessment will help us prioritize our 2014-2015 efforts and initiatives.

Please take a few minutes to tell us how we may help your organization grow and prosper.

Thanks in advance! We look forward to working with you in the upcoming year.

If you have any questions, please contact Will Williams.

7/28 – Wayne, PA’s Independence LED Lighting Giving Away $1M for Retrofits

Monday, July 28th 2014

From Keystone Edge:

logoWayne’s Independence LED Lighting is celebrating its namesake holiday all month with a $10 million giveaway program to small businesses.

The maker of LED tubes and LED fixtures will cover up to $10,000 per business for the first 1,000 that register this month. Services include a cash-for-clunkers buy back on fluorescent tubes (when replaced with LED lighting), a lighting savings analysis, manufacturer-direct pricing, zero-cost financing and free installation.

Independence moved its manufacturing from China to Pennsylvania in 2010 in order to increase quality assurance, reduce transportation costs and improve delivery time to its customer base, concentrated between Washington, D.C. and New York City, says CEO Charlie Szoradi.

Read more at Keystone Edge.


7/21 – Job Alert: Director of Development at the Energy Coordinating Agency

Monday, July 21st 2014

SEI is pleased to post job openings from member companies and partners, as a means of effectively reaching qualified, local candidates in the smart energy industry. Additionally, SEI staff can review applications on you company’s behalf. If you’d liked to post a Job Alert, send descriptions and application instructions to Will Williams.

408629_10151337096405750_1234862212_nTitle: Director of Development

Works Closely With: Executive Director, Program Director and other staff and Board members


1. Long range development planning: Determine annual funding priorities with the management team, and dedicate specific funding sources to approach for them.

2. Conduct development activities, including grant writing, contract renewal, and responding to RFPs, including government, foundation, corporate, and organizing individual donor campaigns. Write selected proposals, reports and copy for annual giving

3. Develop and maintain effective systems of record-keeping for development. Maintain foundation and donor records.

4. Support the aggressive expansion of the ECA donor base. Maintain donor database in Salesforce or its successor.

5. Conduct research for fundraising, proposal development, and public information materials including the Annual Report.

6. Development and implementation of donor campaigns; Plan and support ECA benefits, donor cultivation and other selected events.

7. Grants administration: Reporting for foundation grants and
others as assigned.

Works with Executive Director and senior staff to update and implement the Communications Plan. Conducts communications activities in order to support development goals; including website content related to development, publishe the e-newsletter, writes and issues press releases; speaks to the press on behalf of the agency. Conducts research related to public information materials, and produces the Annual Report.

Master’s Degree in English or Communications plus a minimum of three years’ experience in nonprofit fundraising and public relations; excellent communication skills, both written and verbal; strong interpersonal skills; good basic understanding of the energy conservation and renewable energy field and strong organizational skills.

Competitive salary and benefits. ECA is an equal opportunity employer. Send resume and writing sample to carols@ecasavesenergy.org by 8/29/2014.

7/16 – Job Alert: Community Solar Sales Consultant at Community Energy

Wednesday, July 16th 2014

SEI is pleased to post job openings from member companies and partners, as a means of effectively reaching qualified, local candidates in the smart energy industry. Additionally, SEI staff can review applications on you company’s behalf. If you’d liked to post a Job Alert, send descriptions and application instructions to Will Williams.

Company Overview
Community EnergyCommunity Energy is a leading developer and marketer of renewable energy with offices in Pennsylvania and Colorado. We are a leading community solar company that provides Americans with universal access to affordable solar power.
Our retail division has an established retail market base and reliable brand in delivering wind and solar power to our customers. Community Energy, Inc. is independently-owned and headquartered in Radnor, PA. For more information please visit http://www.communityenergyinc.com.

Position Description
Community Energy is seeking self-starters with a passion for clean energy. Promote clean, homegrown solar power and make a difference by generating leads and closing deals with interested residential and small businesses. The Sales Consultant will work closely with Community Energy’s overall sales and marketing team. This role is community-oriented. Community Energy will provide training and marketing materials for all Sales Consultants.

Persuade households to switch to solar energy provided by off-site solar projects in their community
Self-generate leads team by collecting information of residents and small businesses interested in solar
Weekend work required

Sales and Marketing Channels Include:
Phone calls
Direct mail campaign
Grassroots networking through local organizations/neighborhoods
Door to door canvass
Event Marketing (Fairs, Concerts, Festivals)
Tabling at retail locations (Natural Food Stores, Farmers Markets)
Presenting to community/environmental groups

Enthusiasm for and knowledge about the renewable energy industry
Sales experience preferred
Excellent verbal communication skills
Experience in community involvement or organization preferred
Ability to learn quickly and retain new information

Additionally, Community Energy seeks candidates who are flexible, able to prioritize efficiently, take responsibility and initiative in their fields, have demonstrated focus, success, and motivation, and who are looking to be part of a rapidly-growing, hard-working, good-humored team of individuals.

This position includes a competitive base salary along and commission schedule.
Interested Candidates: Please email cover letter and resumé to jthomas@communityenergy.com

6/24 – Supreme Court: EPA Can Regulate CO2 Emissions

Tuesday, June 24th 2014

Yesterday, the US Supreme Court ruled that recently announced plans to limit CO2 emissions from power plants was a valid and legal effort by the US Environmental Protection Agency. This means that, barring additional legal challenge, the EPA will move forward with its plan to reduce Pennsylvania power plant emissions by 32% over the next 15 years by allowing the Commonwealth to create and implement its own emissions reduction strategy.

From the Washington Post:

CoalPlant011401645250“The Supreme Court on Monday mostly validated the Environmental Protection Agency’s plans to regulate major sources of greenhouse-gas emissions such as power plants and factories but said the agency had gone too far in interpreting its power.

The court’s bifurcated opinion on one hand criticized the agency for trying to rewrite provisions of the Clean Air Act. But it nevertheless granted the Obama administration and environmentalists a big victory by agreeing that there are other ways for the EPA to reach its goal of regulating the gases that contribute to global warming.”

Read the full article on WashingtonPost.com

6/18 – PEDA Announces $12.5M for Pennsylvania Energy Projects

Wednesday, June 18th 

Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority (PEDA) is now offering approximately $12.5 million in funding for advanced energy projects, and for businesses interested in locating or expanding their alternative energy manufacturing or production operations in the Commonwealth. Of the $12.5 million, $10 million is specifically for renewable energy projects, such as solar, wind, hydropower, and biomass. PEDA is happy to provide this opportunity which is now open for application until August 15, 2014.

Projects that will be considered include the manufacturing of alternative energy or energy efficiency equipment or materials; the development and deployment of innovative, clean, advanced and efficient technologies; the generation of alternative energy or the production of alternative fuels; or the implementation of energy efficiency/demand side projects.

Eligible applicants include corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, associations and other legal business entities; non-profit corporations; Pennsylvania schools, colleges and universities; any Pennsylvania municipality and any public corporation, authority or body.

PEDA is hosting a related webinar on June 24th from 2-3 p.m. to review key items for this funding opportunity.  Please note that advance registration is required. You can register here.

More Information and Program Fact Sheet

6/9 – US to Place 19%-35% Tariff on Chinese Solar Imports

Monday, June 9th 2014

Last week, the US Department of Commerce announced significant new tariffs for Chinese solar imports after accusations of the Chinese government underwriting manufacturing operations were found to be accurate. While this is certainly good news for American manufacturers of solar products, it may raise the price of PV installations for American consumers.

More from CNBC.com:

101731846-150827717.530x298The U.S. Commerce Department announced a new set of duties on Chinese solar products Wednesday, sending American solar stocks like First Solar and SunPower skyrocketing, and China-based Trina Solar and JinkoSolar falling.

The new duties were in response to a petition from SolarWorld, a German solar manufacturer with major operations in the U.S., which sought to eliminate a loophole whereby Beijing-subsidized solar manufacturers avoided previous U.S. rulings by making key parts in Taiwan. SolarWorld argued that those subsidies significantly hurt the U.S. solar manufacturing sector.

“The government-underwritten Chinese solar industry has decimated much of the solar manufacturing industry on several continents, including the Americas,” Ben Santarris, strategic affairs director for SolarWorld America, wrote in an email to CNBC last month. “Many U.S. companies have shut down production, costing the jobs of hundreds of Americans.”

The Commerce Department’s preliminary determination set duties of 35.21 percent on imports of some Wuxi Suntech Power products, 18.56 percent on Trina Solar products and 26.89 percent on other Chinese manufacturers.

Read more at CNBC.com



6/3 – EPA Plan Calls for 32% Reduction in Pennsylvania Carbon Emissions

Tuesday, June 3rd 2014

From StateImpact PA:

credit-paul-j-everett-flickr2Pennsylvania would be required to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 32 percent over the next 15 years under new federal regulations announced on Monday.

It is the first time the Environmental Protection Agency has proposed regulations specifically aimed at cutting carbon dioxide emissions generated by the nation’s power plants. And it is one of the Obama administration’s key initiatives to address climate change.

“The overall goal is a 30 percent reduction in emissions nationwide by the year 2030. States will be directed to craft plans to meet their own specific targets. In a conference call with reporters, senior agency officials said the targets are based on a number of factors, including the state’s current energy mix and proximity to natural gas supplies. Click here to see the EPA’s interactive map showing each state’s emission targets.

The agency’s emphasis on flexibility for the states was a relief to Jake Smeltz, president of Pennsylvania’s Electric Power Generation Association, an industry trade group.

“We didn’t want a command and control approach,” Smeltz said. “What we wanted and asked for is that each state be the driver. Let the federal government create the target and let state governments figure out how to reach it.”

New focus on energy efficiency, natural gas and renewables

Smeltz predicts Pennsylvania will get credit for the efforts it has already made to lower emissions, beef up energy efficiency programs and see more power plants switching from coal to natural gas.

Today’s proposal is the latest in a suite of new regulations aimed at power plants. Last fall, the agency proposed rules to limit emissions from all future power plants.”

Read more at StateImpact PA

5/23 – StateImpact PA: Gas Boom Starts to Hit Home for Southeast PA

Friday, May 23rd 2014

From StateImpact PA:

schramm11-620x408In the past few years, the Marcellus Shale has rapidly become one of the most productive gas plays on the planet. But for many people in Southeastern Pennsylvania– the state’s most populated region– the boom has been out-of-sight and out-of-mind.

Until now.

The region is beginning to experience the tradeoffs long familiar to those who live on top of the Shale—more job opportunities and more disruption.

“It’s at our door”

Sherry Wolfe lives in Lebanon County and is upset about plans to build a new natural gas pipeline through the area.

“We all know what’s going on in the Marcellus Shale,” she says. “But it seems like it’s far away. Now it’s here. It’s at our door, and it’s frightening.”

The pipeline is part of a larger $3 billion Atlantic Sunrise expansion by Oklahoma-based pipeline company, Williams Partners.

Williams already operates the Transco system, which has over 10,000 miles of pipeline moving gas to other businesses, like utility companies and power plants. The Atlantic Sunrise project would increase Transco’s capacity by about 20 percent.

The new pipeline would also cut through several nature preserves in Lancaster County. When word of that got out, a local group quickly formed to fight the project.

The group is led by Southern Lancaster County resident Malinda Clatterbuck.

“A lot of people who live in the southern end feel the same way I do,” she says. “We live here for a reason. We like the privacy, we like the beauty, we like the peace and serenity and the nature that’s around us.”

Williams spokesman Chris Stockton says although this pipeline expansion project isn’t designed to bring Marcellus gas to Pennsylvanians, it will serve millions of other people—in cities like Baltimore, Washington D.C. and as far south as Alabama.

“[The Atlantic Sunrise project] is not designed to serve Pennsylvania,” he says. “But it could potentially in the future. The gas in the Transco system already provides about a third of the gas consumed in Pennsylvania.”

The Williams line is just one of many new infrastructure projects in the works, to make use of the state’s abundant natural gas resources.

A report by the Moody’s investment firm issued earlier this month noted how the Northeastern United States is rearranging the flow of gas pipeline systems to accommodate the rapid growth from the Marcellus Shale:

The latest round of projects involves changing what a pipeline was built to do, such as reversing the direction of flow or repurposing to transport liquids rather than gas. These target new demand such as [liquefied natural gas] export terminals and gas-fired power facilities that are being built.

More gas-related infrastructure may be on the way.

In neighboring Berks County Canadian developer, EmberClear, is proposing a $1 billion plant that would convert natural gas into more expensive gasoline. However, hundreds of angry residents have been packing public meetings to oppose the idea.

Meanwhile Chester County has become a natural nexus for pipelines, with its proximity to major cities along the East Coast.

Sunoco Logistics’ plans to put in a new pump station in West Goshen Township to transport natural gas liquids from the Marcellus Shale to its Marcus Hook refinery is also seeing strong local resistance.

Last month Pennsylvania’s Joint Legislative Conservation Committee held a public hearing there to discuss ways to expand state oversight of pipelines.

State Sen. Andy Dinniman (D- Chester) has introduced a package of bills aimed at improving transparency and protecting environment resources.

“All we’re trying to do is make sure every township, every citizen, has information when it comes to the placing of pipelines.”

“It’s enabled us to withstand the recession”

The emerging business from oil and gas boom in Southeastern Pennsylvania has also brought new job opportunities. The rapid increase in crude oil production from North Dakota has helped to revive Philadelphia’s refineries.

Outside Philadelphia, the West Chester headquarters of drill-rig manufacturer Schramm is buzzing with sounds of new work.

The company has been around since 1900, but recently picked up more work building the big rigs that tower over Marcellus Shale well pads.

David Metzger grew up in Philadelphia and now works for Schramm. He designs and tests the equipment for the rigs and says they’ve upgraded the controls to make things easier on the operators.

“We tried to put all the main functions onto joysticks, and that means the operator remembers all the commands through muscle memory. He doesn’t have to look at a panel, he can keep his eyes on the drill floor and that makes rig operation a whole lot safer.”

When the recession hit it 2008, Lancaster-based environmental engineering firm Rettew faced a downturn in its business, but quickly pivoted toward working for Marcellus Shale companies.

Rettew president Mark Lauriello says in the past five years, the company has opened five new offices and nearly doubled its workforce– thanks to the energy industry.

“It’s enabled us to withstand the recession and grow through the recession,” he says. “It’s provided a lot of opportunities for our employees for different types of work and opportunity for advancement.”

The impact on southeastern Pennsylvania could grow as energy companies continue to develop the gas and expand to international markets. Federal regulators are evaluating plans to develop a liquefied natural gas export terminal along the Chesapeake Bay.

It would be the closest such facility to the Marcellus Shale and could make Pennsylvania a global energy hub meaning more jobs and more tradeoffs.

Read more at StateImpact PA.

5/7 – Natural Gas Prices Climb 18% in One Year

Wednesday, May 7th 2014


Workers move a section of well casing into place at a natural gas well site near Burlington, Pa.

Workers move a section of well casing into place at a natural gas well site near Burlington, Pa.

The single most important factor weighed by decision-makers when evaluating a potential efficiency or renewable energy project is the payback period, or how long it will take for the upfront costs of the project to be recouped in energy savings. This calculation, and in-turn, the viability of the project, depend heavily on current energy prices and future price projections.

While Pennsylvania (and the nation at-large) has benefited from lower energy costs over the past few years, there is indications that the historically low prices may be rebounding as demand, bolstered by extreme weather events, catches up to a glut in supply, the result of ambitious drilling in the Marcellus Shale region and other plays throughout North America.

The silver lining to higher energy prices, particularly for the energy industry, is that higher energy costs leads more homeowners and businesses to scrutinize their bills, conserve more, and perhaps consider an efficiency or renewable generation alternative. Higher energy prices make avoided energy consumption more valuable, reducing payback periods for projects and creating more business in the smart energy industry.

Below is an excerpt from an article in the Wall Street Journal, published on May 6th.

Natural-gas prices extended their gains Tuesday as hot weather across the U.S. was expected to spur gas-generated electricity demand for air conditioning at a time when producers usually replenish depleted supplies.

Natural gas for June delivery was up 5.2 cents, or 1.1%, at $4.74 a million British thermal units on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

After a severe U.S. winter that drained natural-gas stockpiles to an 11-year low, the season of rebuilding stocks has gotten off to an anemic start. Analysts say the U.S. hasn’t been producing and storing enough gas for its stockpiles to reach adequate levels in time for the start of the next heating season in the fall, and futures are climbing as a result, with current prices 18% higher than year-ago levels.

“People are nervous that we’re going to see some unexpected seasonal demand,” said Gene McGillian, a broker at Tradition Energy.

Analysts say the U.S. needs to add as much as 48% more to inventories during this spring and summer than the recent five-year average to sufficiently rebuild stocks. Estimates for Thursday’s weekly inventory report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration put the figure right around the average, at 72 billion cubic feet.

Continued demand for gas-fueled heating and air conditioning is preventing producers from rapidly rebuilding supplies. Spring has been short across much of the country, with cold weather extending into April and summer-like temperatures already arriving in heavily populated areas. Forecasts call for temperatures between 80 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit in Washington, D.C. and in the 90s in California this week that could prompt cooling demand, followed by a cold front in the Northeast in the two-week forecast that could drive late-season heating demand.

Read the full article here.